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Electric Power Monthly

Data for October 2020 Release Date: December 23, 2020 Next Release Date: January 26, 2021 full reportPDF
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Executive Summary

  • ES1.A Total Electric Power Industry
  • Available formats: XLS
  • ES1.B Total Electric Power Industry, Year-to-Date
  • Available formats: XLS
  • ES2.A Receipts and Cost of Fossil Fuels for the Electric Power Industry by Sector, Physical Units
  • Available formats: XLS
  • ES2.B Receipts and Cost of Fossil Fuels for the Electric Power Industry by Sector, Btus
  • Available formats: XLS

Chapter 1. Net Generation

  • by
  • 1.1 Energy Source: Total - All Sectors
  • Available formats: XLS
  • 1.1.A Renewable Sources: Total - All Sectors
  • Available formats: XLS
  • 1.2.A Energy Source: Electric Utilities
  • Available formats: XLS
  • 1.2.B Energy Source: Independent Power Producers
  • Available formats: XLS
  • 1.2.C Energy Source: Commercial Sector
  • Available formats: XLS
  • 1.2.D Energy Source: Industrial Sector
  • Available formats: XLS
  • 1.2.E Energy Source: Residential Sector
  • Available formats: XLS
  • 1.3.A State by Sector
  • Available formats: XLS
  • 1.3.B State by Sector, Year-to-Date
  • Available formats: XLS
  • from
  • 1.4.A Coal by State by Sector
  • Available formats: XLS
  • 1.4.B Coal by State by Sector, Year-to-Date
  • Available formats: XLS
  • 1.5.A Petroleum Liquids by State by Sector
  • Available formats: XLS
  • 1.5.B Petroleum Liquids by State by Sector, Year-to-Date
  • Available formats: XLS
  • 1.6.A Petroleum Coke by State by Sector
  • Available formats: XLS
  • 1.6.B Petroleum Coke by State by Sector, Year-to-Date
  • Available formats: XLS
  • 1.7.A Natural Gas by State by Sector
  • Available formats: XLS
  • 1.7.B Natural Gas by State by Sector, Year-to-Date
  • Available formats: XLS
  • 1.7.C Utility Scale Facility Net Generation from Natural Gas by Technology: Total (All Sectors)
  • Available formats: XLS
  • 1.8.A Other Gases by State by Sector
  • Available formats: XLS
  • 1.8.B Other Gases by State by Sector, Year-to-Date
  • Available formats: XLS
  • 1.9.A Nuclear Energy by State by Sector
  • Available formats: XLS
  • 1.9.B Nuclear Energy by State by Sector, Year-to-Date
  • Available formats: XLS
  • 1.10.A Hydroelectric (Conventional) Power by State by Sector
  • Available formats: XLS
  • 1.10B Hydroelectric (Conventional) Power by State by Sector, Year-to-Date
  • Available formats: XLS
  • 1.11.A Renewables Sources Excluding Hydroelectric by State by Sector
  • Available formats: XLS
  • 1.11.B Renewables Sources Excluding Hydroelectric by State by Sector, Year-to-Date
  • Available formats: XLS
  • 1.12.A Hydroelectric (Pumped Storage) Power by State by Sector
  • Available formats: XLS
  • 1.12.B Hydroelectric (Pumped Storage) Power by State by Sector, Year-to-Date
  • Available formats: XLS
  • 1.13.A Other Energy Sources by State by Sector
  • Available formats: XLS
  • 1.13.B Other Energy Sources by State by Sector, Year-to-Date
  • Available formats: XLS
  • 1.14.A Wind by State by Sector
  • Available formats: XLS
  • 1.14.B Wind by State by Sector, Year-to-Date
  • Available formats: XLS
  • 1.15.A Biomass by State by Sector
  • Available formats: XLS
  • 1.15.B Biomass by State by Sector, Year-to-Date
  • Available formats: XLS
  • 1.16.A Geothermal by Census Division by Sector
  • Available formats: XLS
  • 1.16.B Geothermal by Census Division by Sector, Year-to-Date
  • Available formats: XLS
  • 1.17.A Solar Photovoltaic by Census Division by Sector
  • Available formats: XLS
  • 1.17.B Solar Photovoltaic by Census Division by Sector, Year-to-Date
  • Available formats: XLS
  • 1.18.A Solar Thermal by Census Division by Sector
  • Available formats: XLS
  • 1.18.B Solar Thermal by Census Division by Sector, Year-to-Date
  • Available formats: XLS

Chapter 2. Consumption of Fossil Fuels

  • Coal: Consumption for
  • 2.1.A Electricity Generation by Sector
  • Available formats: XLS
  • 2.1.B Useful Thermal Output by Sector
  • Available formats: XLS
  • 2.1.C Electricity Generation and Useful Thermal Output by Sector
  • Available formats: XLS
  • Petroleum Liquids: Consumption for
  • 2.2.A Electricity Generation by Sector
  • Available formats: XLS
  • 2.2.B Useful Thermal Output by Sector
  • Available formats: XLS
  • 2.2.C Electricity Generation and Useful Thermal Output by Sector
  • Available formats: XLS
  • Petroleum Coke: Consumption for
  • 2.3.A Electricity Generation by Sector
  • Available formats: XLS
  • 2.3.B Useful Thermal Output by Sector
  • Available formats: XLS
  • 2.3.C Electricity Generation and Useful Thermal Output by Sector
  • Available formats: XLS
  • Natural Gas: Consumption for
  • 2.4.A Electricity Generation by Sector
  • Available formats: XLS
  • 2.4.B Useful Thermal Output by Sector
  • Available formats: XLS
  • 2.4.C Electricity Generation and Useful Thermal Output by Sector
  • Available formats: XLS
  • Landfill Gas: Consumption for
  • 2.5.A Electricity Generation by Sector
  • Available formats: XLS
  • 2.5.B Useful Thermal Output by Sector
  • Available formats: XLS
  • 2.5.C Electricity Generation and Useful Thermal Output by Sector
  • Available formats: XLS
  • Biogenic Municipal Solid Waste: Consumption for
  • 2.6.A Electricity Generation by Sector
  • Available formats: XLS
  • 2.6.B Useful Thermal Output by Sector
  • Available formats: XLS
  • 2.6.C Electricity Generation and Useful Thermal Output by Sector
  • Available formats: XLS
  • Wood / Wood Waste Biomass: Consumption for
  • 2.7.A Electricity Generation by Sector
  • Available formats: XLS
  • 2.7.B Useful Thermal Output by Sector
  • Available formats: XLS
  • 2.7.C Electricity Generation and Useful Thermal Output by Sector
  • Available formats: XLS
  • Consumption of Coal for
  • 2.8.A Electricity Generation by State by Sector
  • Available formats: XLS
  • 2.8.B Electricity Generation by State by Sector, Year-to-Date
  • Available formats: XLS
  • Consumption of Petroleum Liquids for
  • 2.9.A Electricity Generation by State by Sector
  • Available formats: XLS
  • 2.9.B Electricity Generation by State by Sector, Year-to-Date
  • Available formats: XLS
  • Consumption of Petroleum Coke for
  • 2.10.A Electricity Generation by State by Sector
  • Available formats: XLS
  • 2.10.B Electricity Generation by State by Sector, Year-to-Date
  • Available formats: XLS
  • Consumption of Natural Gas for
  • 2.11.A Electricity Generation by State by Sector
  • Available formats: XLS
  • 2.11.B Electricity Generation by State by Sector, Year-to-Date
  • Available formats: XLS
  • Consumption of Landfill Gas for
  • 2.12.A Electricity Generation by State by Sector
  • Available formats: XLS
  • 2.12.B Electricity Generation by State by Sector, Year-to-Date
  • Available formats: XLS
  • Consumption of Biogenic Municipal Solid Waste for
  • 2.13.A Electricity Generation by State by Sector
  • Available formats: XLS
  • 2.13.B Electricity Generation by State by Sector, Year-to-Date
  • Available formats: XLS
  • Consumption of Wood / Wood Waste Biomass for
  • 2.14.A Electricity Generation by State by Sector
  • Available formats: XLS
  • 2.14.B Electricity Generation by State by Sector, Year-to-Date
  • Available formats: XLS

Chapter 3. Fossil-Fuel Stocks for Electricity Generation

  • Stocks of Coal, Petroleum Liquids, and Petroleum Coke:
  • 3.1 Electric Power Sector
  • Available formats: XLS
  • 3.2 Electric Power Sector, by State
  • Available formats: XLS
  • 3.3 Electric Power Sector, by Census Division
  • Available formats: XLS
  • 3.4 Stocks of Coal by Coal Rank
  • Available formats: XLS

Chapter 4. Receipts and Cost of Fossil-Fuels

  • Receipts, Average Cost, and Quality of Fossil Fuels:
  • 4.1 Total (All Sectors)
  • Available formats: XLS
  • 4.1 Total (All Sectors) (continued)
  • Available formats: XLS
  • 4.2 Electric Utilities
  • Available formats: XLS
  • 4.2 Electric Utilities (continued)
  • Available formats: XLS
  • 4.3 Independent Power Producers
  • Available formats: XLS
  • 4.3 Independent Power Producers (continued)
  • Available formats: XLS
  • 4.4 Commercial Sector
  • Available formats: XLS
  • 4.4 Commercial Sector (continued)
  • Available formats: XLS
  • 4.5 Industrial Sector
  • Available formats: XLS
  • 4.5 Industrial Sector (continued)
  • Available formats: XLS
  • Receipts of Coal Delivered for
  • 4.6.A Electricity Generation by State
  • Available formats: XLS
  • 4.6.B Generation by State, Year-to-Date
  • Available formats: XLS
  • Receipts of Petroleum Liquids Delivered for
  • 4.7.A Electricity Generation by State
  • Available formats: XLS
  • 4.7.B Generation by State, Year-to-Date
  • Available formats: XLS
  • Receipts of Petroleum Coke Delivered for
  • 4.8.A Electricity Generation by State
  • Available formats: XLS
  • 4.8.B Electricity Generation by State, Year-to-Date
  • Available formats: XLS
  • Receipts of Natural Gas Delivered for
  • 4.9.A Electricity Generation by State
  • Available formats: XLS
  • 4.9.B Electricity Generation by State, Year-to-Date
  • Available formats: XLS
  • Average Cost of Coal Delivered for
  • 4.10.A Electricity Generation by State
  • Available formats: XLS
  • 4.10.B Electricity Generation by State, Year-to-Date
  • Available formats: XLS
  • Average Cost of Petroleum Liquids Delivered for
  • 4.11.A Electricity Generation by State
  • Available formats: XLS
  • 4.11.B Electricity Generation by State, Year-to-Date
  • Available formats: XLS
  • Average Cost of Petroleum Coke Delivered for
  • 4.12.A Electricity Generation by State
  • Available formats: XLS
  • 4.12.B Electricity Generation by State, Year-to-Date
  • Available formats: XLS
  • Average Cost of Natural Gas Delivered for
  • 4.13.A Electricity Generation by State
  • Available formats: XLS
  • 4.13.B Electricity Generation by State, Year-to-Date
  • Available formats: XLS
  • Receipts and Quality of Coal by Rank Delivered for Electricity Generation
  • 4.14 Total (All Sectors) by State
  • Available formats: XLS
  • 4.15 Electric Utilities by State
  • Available formats: XLS
  • 4.16 Independent Power Producers by State
  • Available formats: XLS
  • 4.17 Commercial Combined Heat and Power Producers by State
  • Available formats: XLS
  • 4.18 Industrial Combined Heat and Power Producers by State
  • Available formats: XLS

Chapter 5. Sales, Revenue, and Average Retail Price of Electricity

  • 5.1 Sales of Electricity to Ultimate Customers: Total by End-Use Sector
  • Available formats: XLS
  • 5.2 Revenue from Sales of Electricity to Ultimate Customers: Total by End-Use Sector
  • Available formats: XLS
  • Average Price of Electricity to Ultimate Customers:
  • 5.3 Total by End-Use Sector
  • Available formats: XLS
  • Sales of Electricity to Ultimate Customers by
  • 5.4.A End-Use Sector, by State
  • Available formats: XLS
  • 5.4.B End-Use Sector, by State, Year-to-Date
  • Available formats: XLS
  • Revenue from Sales of Electricity to Ultimate Customers by
  • 5.5.A End-Use Sector, by State
  • Available formats: XLS
  • 5.5.B End-Use Sector, by State, Year-to-Date
  • Available formats: XLS
  • Average Price of Electricity to Ultimate Customers by
  • 5.6.A End-Use Sector, by State
  • Available formats: XLS
  • 5.6.B End-Use Sector, by State, Year-to-Date
  • Available formats: XLS
  • Ultimate Customers by
  • 5.7 Number of Ultimate Customers Served by Sector
  • Available formats: XLS
  • 5.8 Number of Ultimate Customers Served by Sector and State
  • Available formats: XLS

Chapter 6. Capacity

  • 6.1 Electric Generating Summer Capacity Changes
  • Available formats: XLS
  • 6.1.A Net Summer Capacity for Utility Scale Solar Photovoltaic and Small Scale Solar Photovoltaic Capacity (Megawatts)
  • Available formats: XLS
  • 6.1.B Net Summer Capacity for Estimated Small Scale Solar Photovoltaic Capacity by Sector (Megawatts)
  • Available formats: XLS
  • Net Summer Capacity:
  • 6.2A Net Summer Capacity of Utility Scale Units by Technology by State
  • Available formats: XLS
  • 6.2B Net Summer Capacity Using Primarily Renewable Energy Sources by State
  • Available formats: XLS
  • 6.2C Net Summer Capacity of Utility Scale Units Using Primarily Fossil Fuels by State
  • Available formats: XLS
  • Utility Scale Generating Units
  • 6.3 New Utility Scale Generating Units by Operating Company, Plant, and Month
  • Available formats: XLS
  • 6.4 Retired Utility Scale Generating Units by Operating Company, Plant, and Month
  • Available formats: XLS
  • Planned
  • 6.5 Planned U.S. Electric Generating Unit Additions
  • Available formats: XLS
  • 6.6 Planned U.S. Electric Generating Unit Retirements
  • Available formats: XLS
  • Capacity Factors
  • 6.7.A Capacity Factors for Utility Scale Generators Primarily Using Fossil Fuels
  • Available formats: XLS
  • 6.7.B Capacity Factors for Utility Scale Generators Not Primarily Using Fossil Fuels
  • Available formats: XLS
  • 6.7.C Usage Factors for Utility Scale Storage
  • Available formats: XLS

Chapter 7. Imports and Exports of Electricity

  • 7.1 Electric Power Industry - U.S. Electricity Imports from and Electricity Exports to Canada and Mexico
  • Available formats: XLS

Chapter 8. Puerto Rico

  • 8.1 Puerto Rico - Sales of Electricity to Ultimate Customers: Total by End-Use Sector
  • Available formats: XLS
  • 8.2 Puerto Rico - Revenue from Sales of Electricity to Ultimate Customers: Total by End-Use Sector
  • Available formats: XLS
  • 8.3 Puerto Rico - Number of Ultimate Customers Served by Sector: Total by End-Use Sector
  • Available formats: XLS
  • 8.4 Puerto Rico - Average Price of Electricity to Ultimate Customers: Total by End-Use Sector
  • Available formats: XLS
  • 8.5 Net Summer Capacity (MW) of Existing Utility Scale Units by Technology for Puerto Rico
  • Available formats: XLS

Appendix A. Relative Standard Error

  • Relative Standard Error for Net Generatili:
  • A1.A Total (All Sectors) by Census Division and State
  • Available formats: XLS
  • A1.A Total (All Sectors) by Census Division and State (Continued)
  • Available formats: XLS
  • A1.B Total (All Sectors) by Census Division and State, Year-to-Date
  • Available formats: XLS
  • A1.B Total (All Sectors) by Census Division and State, Year-to-Date (Continued)
  • Available formats: XLS
  • A1.C Small Scale Solar by Sector, Census Division and State
  • Available formats: XLS
  • A2.A Electric Utilities by Census Division and State
  • Available formats: XLS
  • A2.A Electric Utilities by Census Division and State (Continued)
  • Available formats: XLS
  • A2.B Electric Utilities by Census Division and State, Year-to-Date
  • Available formats: XLS
  • A2.B Electric Utilities by Census Division and State, Year-to-Date (Continued)
  • Available formats: XLS
  • A3.A Independent Power Producers by Census Division and State
  • Available formats: XLS
  • A3.A Independent Power Producers by Census Division and State (continued)
  • Available formats: XLS
  • A3.B Independent Power Producers by Census Division and State, Year-to-Date
  • Available formats: XLS
  • A3.B Independent Power Producers by Census Division and State, Year-to-Date (continued)
  • Available formats: XLS
  • A4.A Commercial Sector by Census Division and State
  • Available formats: XLS
  • A4.A Commercial Sector by Census Division and State (continued)
  • Available formats: XLS
  • A4.B Commercial Sector by Census Division and State, Year-to-Date
  • Available formats: XLS
  • A4.B Commercial Sector by Census Division and State, Year-to-Date (continued)
  • Available formats: XLS
  • A5.A Industrial Sector by Census Division and State
  • Available formats: XLS
  • A5.A Industrial Sector by Census Division and State (continued)
  • Available formats: XLS
  • A5.B Industrial Sector by Census Division and State, Year-to-Date
  • Available formats: XLS
  • A5.B Industrial Sector by Census Division and State, Year-to-Date (continued)
  • Available formats: XLS
  • Relative Standard Error for Retail Sales of Electricity to
  • A6.A Ultimate Customers by End-Use Sector, Census Division, and State
  • Available formats: XLS
  • A6.B Ultimate Customers by End-Use Sector, Census Division, and State, Year-to-Date
  • Available formats: XLS
  • Relative Standard Error for Revenue from Retail Sales of Electricity to
  • A7.A Ultimate Customers by End-Use Sector, Census Division, and State
  • Available formats: XLS
  • A7.B Ultimate Customers by End-Use Sector, Census Division, and State, Year-to-Date
  • Available formats: XLS
  • Relative Standard Error for Average Retail Price of Electricity to
  • A8.A Ultimate Customers by End-Use Sector, Census Division, and State
  • Available formats: XLS
  • A8.B Ultimate Customers by End-Use Sector, Census Division, and State, Year-to-Date
  • Available formats: XLS

Appendix B. Major Disturbances and Unusual Occurrences

  • B1 Major Disturbances and Unusual Occurrences, Year-to-Date 2020
  • Available formats: XLS
  • B2 Major Disturbances and Unusual Occurrences, 2019
  • Available formats: XLS

Appendix C. Technical Notes

  • Technical notes
  • Available formats: PDF
  • C1 Average Heat Content of Fossil-Fuel Receipts
  • Available formats: XLS
  • C2 Comparison of Preliminary Monthly Data Versus Final Monthly Data at the U.S. Level, 2017 Through 2019
  • Available formats: XLS
  • C3 Comparison of Annual Monthly Estimates Versus Annual Data at the U.S. Level, All Sectors 2017 Through 2019
  • Available formats: XLS
  • C4 Unit-of-Measure Equivalents for Electricity
  • Available formats: XLS
  • Electric Power Data by Month and State, 2001 to the Present
  • Net Generation by State by Type of Producer by Energy Source
  • Available formats: XLS
  • Fossil Fuel Consumption for Electricity Generation by Year, Industry Type and State
  • Available formats: XLS
  • Latest Electricity Trends

  • The Electricity Monthly Update features a major event or an informative topic in the electric power industry and highlights key indicators at a glance.
  • Maps

Generating unit additions

Generating unit retirements