We lead the way in analyzing, understanding, and responding to the terrorist threat

We lead and integrate the national counterterrorism (CT) effort by fusing foreign and domestic CT information, providing terrorism analysis, sharing information with partners across the CT enterprise, and driving whole-of-government action to secure our national CT objectives.

Who We Are


Today's NCTC

Today’s NCTC provides an in-depth look at the history, function, and impact in the effort to protect and secure our nation from terrorist attacks.

Counterterrorism Guide

The CT Guide Website, a ready reference guide for law enforcement, intelligence, military and security personnel, contingency planners, or citizens concerned about international terrorist threats.

JCAT: Products and Resources

Intelligence products designed to enhance awareness of terrorism threats, tactics, techniques and procedures intended to help protect against potential terrorist attacks.

How We Work

NCTC produces analysis, maintains the authoritative database of known and suspected terrorists, shares information, and conducts strategic operational planning. NCTC is staffed by more than 1,000 personnel from across the IC, the Federal government, and Federal contractors. NCTC’s workforce represents approximately 20 different departments and agencies—a tribute to the recognition by the intelligence, homeland security, and law enforcement communities of NCTC’s role in protecting the Nation against terrorist threats.

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Threat Analysis

Under IRTPA, NCTC serves as the primary organization in the USG for analyzing and integrating all intelligence possessed or acquired by the USG pertaining to terrorism and CT except intelligence pertaining exclusively to domestic terrorism.

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Information Sharing

NCTC ensures that other agencies with CT missions have access to and receive intelligence needed to accomplish assigned activities. NCTC’s analysis is coordinated throughout the IC, supporting senior policymakers and other members of the policy, intelligence, law enforcement, defense, homeland security, and foreign affairs communities.

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National Intelligence Management

NCTC’s role as the National Intelligence Manager for CT (NIM-CT) requires integrating the CT mission across intelligence functions, disciplines, and activities to achieve unity of effort and effect.

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Identity Management

NCTC has the statutory responsibility to serve as the central and shared knowledge bank on known and suspected terrorists and international terror groups, as well as their goals, strategies, capabilities, and networks of contacts and support.

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Strategic Operational Planning

NCTC has the statutory responsibility to conduct strategic operational planning for CT activities across the USG, integrating all instruments of national power—diplomatic, financial, military, intelligence, homeland security, and law enforcement within and among the agencies.



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NCTC Careers

NCTC has permanent and rotational opportunities for professionals that are interested in working in a dynamic organization focused on leading the nation’s effort to combat terrorism at home and abroad. NCTC’s workforce consists of cadre officers, whose long-term professional home is with NCTC, and detailees who are assigned here for multi-year rotations from 20 different federal agencies. Our workforce also includes a critically important population of contractors, whose essential contributions can be found across every mission area.

National Counterterrorism Center