National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce
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Last Map Update: Fri, Dec. 18, 2020 at 6:00:14 pm PST

National Weather Service San Francisco Bay Area, CANational Weather Service San Joaquin Valley, CANational Weather Service Las Vegas, NV
National Weather Service Honolulu, HIZoom

National Weather Service NWS Phoenix
National Weather Service Honolulu, HINational Weather Service San Diego, CANational Weather Service San Diego, CA

Gusty offshore winds are expected to continue through the weekend and into early next week. Many areas will see gusty north to northeast winds gusting 25 to 45 mph from the Central Coast to the valleys and mountains of Ventura and Los Angeles Counties. Humidities will fall during this time, with widespread humidity between 8 to 20 percent across the area, with isolated areas as low as 5 percent. While conditions will ease some on Tuesday, there is the potential for another gusty Santa Ana wind event Tuesday night through Thursday. During this time, potential impacts include hazardous driving conditions due to cross winds, blowing sand and dust lowering visibility for drivers at times, and rapid growth of any new fire starts.



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