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STEM Rising is your go-to resource for all-things-STEM at the U.S. Department of Energy. Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, commonly known as STEM, are the essential building blocks to accomplishing the U.S. Department of Energy's mission from coast to coast.

STEM Rising inspires, educates, and sparks lifelong success in STEM by sharing resources & events from the National Labs, National Nuclear Security Administration, and program offices. View our STEM resources for students, teachers, and workforce on this site and keep in touch with our monthly newsletter or social media (#STEMRising on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter). Questions? Want to reach out? Email, Director of STEM Rising.

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Find Your Piece of STEM Rising

Kindergarten - High School
K-12 resources compiled by STEM Rising, all-things-STEM at the U.S. Department of Energy.
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College & Continued Learning
View our STEM internships, fellowships, research opportunities, workshops, events, contests, digital learning, and more on this page.
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Teachers for all ages - are you looking for STEM lesson activities, virtual learning, and research opportunities? You're in the right place.
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STEM resources for people currently in the STEM workforce, including online learning, experiential learning, and grants and research opportunities.
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STEM Rising Blog

CWC Alum’s Industry Connections Open Door to Career in Wind Energy
2020 James Madison University grad Jamie Mears is putting her degree and her Collegiate Wind Competition experience to work at Ørsted Onshore.
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The Nuclear Security Enterprise is Hiring!
DOE/NNSA will host a virtual hiring event Wednesday, January 27, 2021, from 10 am - 4 pm EDT.
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Grid Science Winter School Brings Together Next Generation Scientists
Grid Science Winter School and Conference is a five day event that brings together experts and students in grid science research.
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A Partnership for Public Engagement
The Science Public Engagement Partnership (SciPEP) will explore special characteristics and challenges of public engagement in discovery research.
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Argonne partners with Chicago Public Schools Office of Computer Science to bring scientists and students together for virtual STEM events
In preparation for National Computer Science Education Week and Hour of Code, Argonne collaborated with Chicago Public Schools.
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Argonne Fast-tracks Training in Nuclear Packaging
Argonne scientists play a central role in coursework on securing nuclear packaging at the University of Nevada, Reno.
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‘Garbage to Gas: Using Biodigesters to Create Energy’ wins 2020 New Mexico Governor’s STEM Challenge
Biodigesters use microbes to speed the decay of organic matter (usually food waste) and use the resulting methane-rich biogas as a sustainable energy
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DOE, FIU Welcome New Fellows Into Program Shaping Cleanup Workforce
DOE and Florida International University (FIU) officials recently introduced the EM Fellows Class of 2020.
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Preparing Frontline Professionals for an Evolving Energy Future
Understanding new energy technologies is a must for tomorrow’s workforce.
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Department of Energy Announces $3 Million for Pilot Diversity Program
DOE announced a plan for a pilot program to provide $3M for research traineeships to broaden and diversify the nuclear physics research community.
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STEM Events from the Energy Department

Other STEM Resources

All in STEM
Diversity and inclusion in the STEM workforce produces better results, is a moral imperative, and is a mission imperative.
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Virtual Tours of the U.S. Department of Energy National Laboratories
Take a tour from your computer of our 17 National Laboratories, powerhouses of science research and innovation.
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Women in Energy
A page showcasing the leadership and contributions of women in the energy sector and encouraging girls to continue studying STEM.
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K-12 Educators and Students Links from the National Laboratories
This page features content from the National Laboratories in K-12 educator and student resources, compiled by the Office of Science.
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Charting a Course for Success: America's Strategy for STEM Education
The new CoSTEM 5-year Strategic Plan was released at the White House on Tuesday December 4th.
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