Office of External Affairs/Chief of Staff

Assistant Administrator-External Affairs/
Chief of Staff

Elisabeth Kann

The Office of the Assistant Administrator for External Affairs/Chief of Staff (AAEA/COS) provides strategic advice to the Administrator and the Deputy Administrator and ensures proactive coordination of Bureau-wide priorities, policies, and internal and external communications in direct support of TTB's mission.

TTB External Affairs Officials
Office of Communications   Marc Young, Director
Office of Congressional and Public Affairs  Tom Hogue, Director
Office of Industry and State Outreach Susan Evans, Director
Office of Strategic Planning and Program Evaluation Jill Murphy, Director
• Office of Analytics Anita Ko, Director


Green icon with a white phone. CONTACT US
For more information about external affairs and outreach, contact us online using our convenient form

Please direct correspondence to:

Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau
Office of External Affairs/Chief of Staff
1310 G Street, NW, Box 12
Washington, DC 20005





Page last reviewed: September 18, 2018
Page last updated: October 27, 2020 
Maintained by: Office of Communications