

Former Detroit Parts Manufacturer Vice President Sentenced to 6 Months Incarceration for Aircraft Parts Fraud


On November 15, 2007, Andrew Maliskewski, former Anco Tech Inc. (ANCO) Vice President and Quality Assurance Manager, was sentenced in U.S. District Court, Detroit, Michigan, to six months incarceration in a halfway house and 24 months probation. In April 2007, Mr. Maliskewski pled guilty to one count of conspiracy to commit aircraft parts fraud.

ANCO manufactured seamless titanium tubing used in various noncritical and flight–critical commercial and military aerospace applications, including hydraulic systems. Mr. Maliskewski admitted that ANCO manufactured and sold titanium tubing for commercial and military aircraft application that had not been manufactured, inspected, and/or tested in conformance with the applicable specifications, but had been falsely certified as conforming to all applicable specifications.

On June 12, 2007, the Federal Aviation Administration issued an unapproved parts notification related to this investigation in order to notify all aircraft owners, operators, manufacturers, maintenance organizations, parts suppliers, and distributors regarding the fraudulently produced titanium tubing. ANCO is now defunct, and debarment proceedings are pending. The investigation is being worked jointly with the Defense Criminal Investigative Service and the Naval Criminal Investigative Service.