Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center


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November 30, 2020

Sound Waves Newsletter - October-November 2020

We learn about mapping the Alaska coastline, meet some of our women scientists, and learn how we are connecting with students in a virtual world in this October-November 2020 issue of Sound Waves.

Date published: November 30, 2020

Recent Coastal and Marine Fieldwork - October-November 2020

Learn more about the recent field activities completed by scientists in the Coastal and Marine Hazards and Resources Program at the USGS, and explore the Science Projects that guide this fieldwork.

Date published: November 30, 2020

Why the Ocean?

USGS scientists share brief thoughts about why they have focused their careers on studying our oceans and coasts. Here’s why they study the ocean:

Date published: September 30, 2020

New Model Shows Sea-level Rise Can Cause Increases in Groundwater Levels along California’s Coasts

A new model that combines sea-level rise scenarios and information about associated groundwater level responses shows that coastal water tables will rise as groundwater levels are pushed up by landward intrusions of seawater due to sea-level rise.

Date published: September 30, 2020

Recent Coastal and Marine Fieldwork - August-September 2020

USGS Coastal and Marine Hazards and Resources Program (CMHRP) scientists were able to safely venture out to collect beach elevations, geochemistry samples for wildfire contamination, water, soil, and meteorological data, offshore bathymetric and seismic data, ocean, lake, and bay sediment samples, and more, from Alaska, Washington, Oregon, and California, to Massachusetts, New York, and...

Date published: September 30, 2020

Photo Roundup - August-September 2020

A selection of coastal and marine images and videos from across the USGS

September 30, 2020

Sound Waves Newsletter - August-September 2020

We pay tribute to a dear friend and colleague, collect data on hurricanes, tsunamis, and earthquakes, train students with disabilities who in turn learn how to help us in a data rescue effort, and more, in this August-September 2020 issue of Sound Waves.

Date published: September 30, 2020

USGS provides Rapid Post-Hurricane Isaias Coastal Change Data to Assist National Park Service partners

Quantifying coastal change caused by hurricanes is essential in helping communities better plan for such coastal hazards.

Date published: September 30, 2020

Remembering Bruce Richmond

We pay tribute to friend and colleague Bruce Richmond, who passed away in May surrounded by his family near his home in Las Lomas, CA. A group of us put together this remembrance of Bruce, AKA “BR.”

Date published: September 14, 2020

National Preparedness Month 2020: Earthquakes and Tsunamis

Natural hazards have the potential to impact a majority of Americans every year.  USGS science provides part of the foundation for emergency preparedness whenever and wherever disaster strikes.