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TIC C-Forms and Instructions

Forms and Instructions:
Additional Information:
  • Federal Register Notice: public notice of proposed revisions to each form, July 2005 PDF icon
The TIC C-forms are part of the Treasury International Capital (TIC) data reporting system, which is required by law (22 U.S.C. 286f; 22 U.S.C. 3103; E.O. 10033; 31 C.F.R. 128), and are designed to collect quarterly and reliable information on the international portfolio capital claims and liabilities of U.S. nonbanks with unaffiliated foreigners. This information is necessary for compiling the U.S. balance of payments accounts and the U.S. international investment position, and for formulating U.S. international financial and monetary policies.
Who Reports on the C-forms:
All nonbanking enterprises, nonprofit institutions, and other specified U.S. persons, including commercial and industrial firms, insurance companies, and mutual funds. (See Part I.D of the instructions for a list of other organizations.) Excluded are depository institutions, bank holding companies and financial holding companies, and securities brokers and dealers, all of which report on the TIC B-forms.
Historical Forms and Instructions:
  • Other revisions beginning as-of June 2006: (a) section B on the previous form CQ-1 was eliminated (as a result, "Section (B)" on new form CQ-1 is the same as "Section C" on the previous form (before reports as-of March 2003); (b) the filing date for form CQ-2 was shortened to no later than 30 calendar days following the report's as-of date.
  • previous form CQ-1PDF icon (effective for reports as-of March 2003 through March 2006).
  • previous form CQ-2PDF icon (effective for reports as-of March 2003 through March 2006).
  • previous instructionsPDF icon (effective for reports as-of March 2003 through March 2006).
Last Updated: 12/10/2010 6:35 PM