Smith-Lever Special Needs Competitive Grants Program

Housing and Environmental Health

Within the states and territories, the Cooperative Extension System has repeatedly served as the trusted community organization that has helped to enable families, communities, and businesses to successfully prepare for, respond to and cope with disaster losses and critical incidents. Once a disaster has occurred, the local extension outreach includes: 1) Communicating practical science-based risk information, 2) Developing relevant educational experiences and programs, 3) Working with individuals and communities to open new communication channels, and 4) Mitigating losses and facilitating recovery. NIFA intends to fund Special Needs projects to implement applied scientific programs that serve public needs in preparation for, during and after local or regional emergency situations.

Eligibility Details

Who Is Eligible to Apply: 
1862 Land-Grant Institutions
More Information on Eligibility: 
Applications may be submitted with the approval of Extension Directors of 1862 Land-grant Institutions in the 50 states, American Samoa, Guam, Micronesia, Northern Marianas, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands.

Important Dates

Posted Date: 
Friday, May 13, 2016
Closing Date: 
Monday, June 13, 2016

Additional Information

For More Information Contact: 
Beverly Samuel
Contact for Electronic Access Problems:
Funding Opportunity Number: 
CFDA number: 
Abstracts of Funded Projects: 
Read the Abstract
Previous fiscal year(s) RFA: 
Estimated Total Program Funding: 
Percent of Applications Funded: 
Cost Sharing or Matching Requirement: 
100 percent (%) match required