U.S. EPA Contaminated Site Cleanup Information (CLU-IN)

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
U.S. EPA Technology Innovation and Field Services Division

For more information on the Superfund Remedy Report, please contact:

Carlos Pachon
Technology Integration and Information Branch

PH: (703) 603-9904 | Email:

Superfund Remedy Report, 16th Edition

EPA prepares the Superfund Remedy Report to provide information and analyses on remedies EPA selected to address contamination at Superfund National Priorities List and Superfund Alternative Approach sites. This report is the latest in a series, prepared since 1991, on Superfund remedy selection. The latest edition focuses on the analysis of Superfund remedial actions selected in fiscal years 2015, 2016 and 2017.

The data that forms the basis of the analyses contained in SRR 16th Edition can be found at Superfund Data and Reports by downloading Contaminant of Concern Data for Decision Documents by Media, FY 1982-2017 and Remedy Component Data for Decision Documents by Media, FY 1982-2017.

Report with Appendices (3.2MB/85pp/PDF)
Fact Sheet (374KB/2pp/PDF)

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