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February 26, 2020

Chairman Thompson Statement on President Trump’s Coronavirus Press Conference

(WASHINGTON) – Today, Rep. Bennie G. Thompson (D-MS), Chairman of the Committee on Homeland Security, released the following statement on President Trump’s coronavirus press conference:

“Instead of using this press conference as an opportunity to lead and inform the American people at a critical time, the President attacked his political opponents and sounded ignorant and even incoherent about the nature of the threat we face.  To be clear, the President’s management of the Federal government’s response to the coronavirus is not only inadequate, it is downright dangerous.

“Instead of listening to public health and medical experts, the President has been downplaying the potential impact of the virus for over a month.  The Trump Administration has simply not been proactive enough given the severity of this crisis and Administration officials continue to give contradictory messages to Congress and the public.  Putting Vice President Pence, someone with no public health expertise, in charge of the response will not instill confidence with the American people and raises questions about the Administration’s ability to coordinate an effective response to a complex public health threat. 

“The President appears more concerned with his reelection and the stock market than the outbreak. This should be concerning to all. We cannot allow his incompetence to undermine the health and wellbeing of the American people.”

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Adam Comis at (202) 225-9978