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Today in Energy

January 19, 2021Daily Prices

Daily wholesale and retail prices for various energy products are shown below, including spot prices and select futures prices at national or regional levels. Prices are updated each weekday (excluding federal holidays), typically between 7:30 and 8:30 a.m. This page is meant to provide a snapshot of selected daily prices only. Prices are republished by EIA with permission as follows: Wholesale Spot Petroleum Prices from Refinitiv, Retail Petroleum Prices from AAA Fuel Gauge Report, Prompt-Month Energy Futures from CME Group, and Select Spot Prices from SNL Energy.

Daily Prices
Wholesale Spot Petroleum Prices, 1/15/21 Close
Product Area Price Percent
Crude Oil
WTI 52.25 -2.3
Brent 54.21 -2.8
Louisiana Light 54.30 -2.3
Gasoline (RBOB)
NY Harbor 1.53 -2.2
Gulf Coast 1.49 -2.6
Los Angeles 1.60 -2.1
Heating Oil
NY Harbor 1.49 -2.4
Gulf Coast 1.39 -2.1
3:2:1 Crack Spread
Gulf Coast (LLS) 8.94 -2.7
Low-Sulfur Diesel
NY Harbor 1.59 -1.9
Gulf Coast 1.53 -1.9
Los Angeles 1.58 -1.4
Mont Belvieu, TX 0.96 +9.7
Conway, KS 1.05 +23.9
Retail Petroleum Prices (AAA), 1/15/21 ($/gallon)
Regular Gasoline U.S. Average NA NA
Diesel U.S. Average NA NA
Financial Indicators, 1/15/21 Close Price Percent
Commodity Price Index 2078.23 -1.2 Commodity Price Index 2078.23 -1.2
S&P 500 Index 3768.25 -0.7
Prompt-Month Energy Futures, 1/15/21 Settlement
Product Price Percent
Volume Prior Day
Open Interest
Crude Oil ($/barrel) - Nymex Feb 52.36 -2.3 176 96
Gasoline-RBOB ($/gallon) - Nymex Feb 1.53 -1.6 65 76
Heating Oil ($/gallon) - Nymex Feb 1.59 -1.6 57 65
Natural Gas ($/million Btu) - Nymex Feb 2.74 +2.7 156 92
Coal ($/ton) - Nymex NA NA NA NA
Ethanol ($/gallon) - CBOT Feb 1.63 0.0 0 < 1
Select Spot Prices for Delivery Today
Region Natural Gas
($/million Btu)

Price Percent
Price Percent
New England 5.28 +74.8 40.15 +18.9 3.22
New York City 3.06 +13.2 39.28 +25.5 17.89
Mid-Atlantic 2.80 +8.4 25.74 -5.5 6.14
Midwest 2.64 -0.3 25.27 -28.7 6.77
Louisiana 2.86 +1.4 27.50 +4.8 7.48
Houston 2.69 -1.7 26.25 +11.7 7.40
Southwest 2.97 +14.1 29.75 -4.0 8.94
Southern CA 2.81 -0.5 31.24 +1.7 11.59
Northern CA 3.54 -1.8 32.53 -6.6 7.79
Northwest 2.60 -0.9 31.25 +29.3 13.09

*Percent changes based on daily settlement price from previous business day.
NA = Data was not available at time of retrieval. Percent Change column will display NA if data from previous day was not retrieved.
Sources: CME Group, Refinitiv, SNL Energy, AAA Fuel Gauge Report