Protect America's Climbing

1 in 5 climbing areas in the US is threatened by an access issue.

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Photo Courtesy of:
Dan Holz | Trout Creek, OR

Why Care

Threats to our climbing areas come in many forms—and we must act quickly and nimbly to protect them.

When an access issue occurs in your backyard, who will be there to help? The first and best line of defense for an access issue is almost always the local climbers who are familiar with the area and the issues.
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Photo Courtesy of:
John Dickey | Indian Creek, UT
Risk. Liability. Lawsuits. The fear associated with these three little words prevents many landowners from opening their property to climbing. But the perception of risk associated with climbing is largely overstated and misunderstood. And risk can be easily managed when climbers and landowners work together…
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Photo Courtesy of:
Chris Noble | Ouray, CO
Sometimes the only way to save a threatened climbing area is to buy it. Privately owned climbing areas can go up for sale with little or no warning, and when they do, we must act quickly to save them.
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Photo Courtesy of:
John Dickey | Independance Pass, CO
Micro Trash. Erosion. Human Waste. Are we loving our climbing areas to death? Climber impacts on our outdoor landscapes are greater than ever. But there is a solution, and it starts with you.
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Photo Courtesy of:
D. Scott Clark | Clear Creek Canyon, CO
The vast majority of our climbing areas are located on public lands. Every day, land managers use their legal authority to regulate climbing—often times without the experience or knowledge to make informed decisions. Imagine how chaotic that could be if there wasn’t an advocacy organization there to represent climbers’ interests. Thankfully, you don’t have to.
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Photo Courtesy of:
Hueco Tanks, TX | John Dickey
Today, there are hundreds of thousands of climbers visiting our climbing areas—and they are showing the impact. Having a vague knowledge of minimum impact practices is no longer enough. It’s time to elevate our game, and it starts with you.
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Current Campaigns

Here's how you can help protect America's climbing.

Photo Courtesy of:
John Dickey | Indian Creek, UT

Stand Up For Public Lands

The great American land heist is underway, and we need your support to protect the spectacular public lands that are our American birthright. With over 60% of our climbing areas located on federally managed public lands, this may be the greatest threat to climbing access we have ever faced.
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Join the ROCK Project Movement

The future of climbing access depends on us: the strong, passionate tribe of climbers who are committed to protecting the climbing areas we love. Join us and take responsibility for the places we climb. Commit to The ROCK Project Pact... and challenge your climbing friends and partners to do the same.

Save The Homestead!

With a narrow window of opportunity, the Access Fund secured temporary ownership of the access point to The Homestead—a unique backcountry limestone climbing area in central Arizona—to save this incredible area from indefinite closure under new ownership. Now, we need your help to secure permanent protection and long-term stewardship.
Take Action Now
Photo Courtesy of:
John Dickey | Vedewoo, WY

Become a Member Today

United we are stronger. Join the Access Fund tribe today and become part of the largest climbing advocacy movement in America. Together we can keep our climbing areas open and protected.
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Photo Courtesy of:
Merrick Ales | Red Rocks, NV