​The National Child & Maternal Health Education Program (NCMHEP)

is the​ first national education program of the Eunice Kennedy Shriver​ National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD)​​.​

The NICHD created the NCMHEP with more than 30 of the nation’s most prominent maternal and child health care provider associations, federal agencies, and other partners. The Program’s objectives are to identify key challenges in child a​nd maternal health, review relevant research and initiate educational activities that advance the knowledge base of the field, and improve the health of women and children.

Visit the NCMHEP Coordinating Committee webpage for a full list of member organizations.

Learn More About the NCMHEP​​​​

​From Our Partners​

PregSource logo The PregSource® research project gathers information from pregnant women to help better understand the overall pregnancy experience. By completing confidential, online questionnaires, pregnant women can add to the knowledge base for researchers and health care providers. They can also track their pregnancies, share their health information with providers, and see how their experiences may differ from those of other women—all while also helping future moms-to-be. Sign up today.

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