
Learn about NICHD's organizational structure (PDF 98 KB) and the focus and functions of its components.

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Office of the Director

This Office provides overall leadership, planning, direction, coordination, and evaluation of the institute's research programs and activities.

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NICHD Newsroom

Find articles, features, and digital media describing research and activities across NICHD.


Scientific Meetings and Events: Upcoming NICHD-sponsored scientific meetings and other events

Advisory Groups: Groups that provide guidance and advice on NICHD research and activities

Active Funding Opportunity Announcements: Current opportunities for research support

Trans-NIH Strategic Plan for Women's Health Research: A multipronged pathway to advance a vision in which sex and gender influences are integrated into the biomedical research enterprise; every woman receives evidence-based disease prevention and treatment tailored to her own needs, circumstances, and goals; and women in science careers reach their full potential

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