Office of Health Equity (OHE)

Photo collage of stock images of students in a classroom, researchers, and a diverse group of people

OHE serves as a catalyst to strengthen the institute's commitment to ensuring the health and well-being of all children, adults, families, and communities. This is accomplished by fostering the assimilation of health disparities and health equity research across the institute's research and training portfolios; identifying priorities and developing metrics to assess progress toward NICHD's diversity, inclusion, and equity goals; coordinating the development of innovative approaches to diversifying the biomedical and biobehavioral workforce; and coordinating NICHD's diversity outreach efforts.

In 2016, a working group of the National Advisory Child Health and Human Development (NACHHD) Council reviewed OHE to provide suggestions about how the Office could better assist NICHD in addressing and eliminating health disparities and improving the number of underrepresented individuals in the scientific workforce.

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