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Title XC – McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Act

BIE Title I Homeless Education and McKinney Vento Programs

The purpose of the BIE Title I Homeless Education and McKinney Vento Programs is to provide educational opportunities and support to its homeless youth and children. Homelessness exists within the reservations which the BIE serves and impacts enrollment, attendance and academic success of children and youth in this situation. All schools within the BIE must provide services to homeless youth and children and the BIE receives McKinney Vento Homeless Education Grant to support this effort.

The BIE has utilized the McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Act to develop its process to ensure that the children and youth attending BIE schools have access to a free and appropriate education and that the barriers faced by these students have equal opportunity in receiving quality education. The Homeless State Coordinator in the BIE will be responsible in administering this process. As a result, homeless students will receive comparable educational services received by non-homeless students.

Bureau of Indian Education Homeless Student Data

Description: The table below provides data on homeless students in the Bureau of Indian Education's data management system, Native American Information System (NASIS) system. This data is entered in the NASIS system by the schools.

School Year July 1st-June 30thHomeless Students Reported







Accessing College & Post-Secondary Resources

The BIE is working to provide resources to homeless children, youth and their families in planning, accessing, and maneuvering the Post-Secondary education system in an effort to support these students in achieving academic success. The BIE has collaborated with the Native American Studies Program at the University of New Mexico through a service learning course to support our effort in providing meaningful resources. Also, additional resources will be posted here from other organizations to promote this effort. If you have questions on the information provided below please contact Valerie Todacheene, Ed.D., Education Program Specialist, at 505-563-5269, email:

UNM Service Learning Partnership

National Association for the Education of Homeless Children and Youth (NAEHCY)

2015-2018 McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Assistance Act Education of Homeless Children & Youths School Grant Application & Technical Assistance

The BIE has announced its 2015-2018 McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Assistance Act Education of Homeless Children & Youths School Grant Application. The purpose of McKinney-Vento subgrant is to facilitate the enrollment, attendance, and success in school of homeless children and youth. The award is for three (3) years, however grantees will be required to demonstrate success yearly in order to be funded for a subsequent second and third year. Also, awards are contingent upon funding & availability. Listed below is the application and the technical assistance presentation(s) to assist schools seeking to apply. Please contact Valerie Todacheene, Education Programs Specialist, at 505-563-5269, email: if you have any questions.

2015-2018 McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Assistance Act Grant Awardees

The BIE has awarded twenty (20) schools the McKinney-Vento Subgrant. The purpose of McKinney-Vento subgrant is to facilitate the enrollment, attendance, and success in school of homeless children and youth. The award is for three (3) years, however grantees will be required to demonstrate success yearly in order to be funded for a subsequent second and third year. Also, awards are contingent upon funding & availability. The resources below are for the schools who were awarded the subgrant to assist with their grant implementation. Please contact Valerie Todacheene, Education Programs Specialist, at 505-563-5269, email: if you have any questions.

BIE McKinney-Vento Local Education Liaison Training

All BIE schools are required to appoint and identify a McKinney-Vento (Homeless) Local Education Liaison at their school. The state coordinator is required to provide ongoing technical assistance and training to the Local Education Liaison. Below you will find presentations on trainings conducted this school year.

SY 2012-2013

SY 2013-2014

SY 2014-15

SY 2015-16