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Division of Economic Development

According to the 2017 U.S. Census, American Indians and Alaska Natives (AI/AN) had an unemployment rate of 10.2%, well above the national average of 5.3%. In addition, 25.4% of AI/AN were living in poverty, compared to the national average of 13.4%.

The Office of Indian Energy and Economic Development’s Division of Economic Development (DED), located in Central Office, provides technical assistance, training, and funding to assist tribes, American Indians and Alaska Natives to:

  • Start and sustain businesses
  • Develop commercial codes and other legal infrastructure to encourage investment
  • Bring innovative ideas to the marketplace
  • Take advantage of procurement opportunities
  • Complete feasibility studies for tribal economic development projects

“The net effect of this investment by your team is tremendous. The study served as the cornerstone for our packaging of a $3,500,000 deal that has launched our industrial park and leveraged more than an additional $1,000,000 for the repair of the railroad bridge next to our property ... we are marketing Iron Horse to international companies and already have interest from four countries.”

-- Dr. James Collard, Economic Development Director, Citizen Potawatomi Nation

“We were able to accomplish so much with the IEED grant. We expect 213 tours with 5 different cruise ship companies. This represents a real breakthrough for our community. We could not have done it without the help we received."  

-- Lani Hotch for the Chilkat Indian Village and Jilkaat Kwaan Heritage Center

Tribal leaders, Indian Entrepreneurs and Native business men and women, click below:

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