Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Branch (IDDB)

Child reading a bookOverview/Mission

IDDB sponsors research and research training aimed at preventing and ameliorating intellectual and related developmental disabilities. When the institute was created in 1962, one of its primary charges was to encourage investigations of human development throughout the lifespan, with an emphasis on understanding intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDDs).

The mission of IDDB is to support a program of research in IDDs, including common and rare neuromuscular and neurodevelopmental disorders, such as Down, Fragile X, and Rett syndromes; inborn errors of metabolism; autism spectrum disorders; and conditions currently and soon-to-be detectable through newborn screening. IDDB has a long and respected history of providing support for a diverse portfolio of research projects, contracts, training programs, and research centers dedicated to promoting the well-being of individuals with IDDs at all stages of development.


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