Diplomat in Residence – Southwest
(AZ, NM, El Paso, TX)
Laura Gritz, DIR Southwest

Region: Southwest


Tours: Bangkok, Thailand; Lusaka, Zambia; Kabul & Mazar-e Sharif, Afghanistan; Reykjavik, Iceland; Oslo, Norway; Bureau of International Organization Affairs & Bureau of International Information Programs, Washington, D.C.

Career Track: Public Diplomacy

Years of Service: 19

Prior Experience: Corporate Recruiter; U.S. Army Officer

Languages: German, Thai, Dari, Icelandic, Norwegian

Education: BA University of Notre Dame; MA The George Washington University; MA U.S. Army War College

Interesting Experience: Before joining the Foreign Service, I lived and worked abroad as both a college exchange student and as a U.S. military officer. One of the aspects of being a Foreign Service Officer that I enjoy the most is the opportunity to connect cultures through people-to-people exchanges. When I served as Public Affairs Officer at the U.S. Embassy in Norway, the U.S. government sponsored a group of American Navajo dancers to attend the Riddu Riđđu festival in North Norway. Riddu Riđđu is an international indigenous festival started by the Sami, indigenous peoples from northern parts of Norway, Sweden, Finland and Russia. At the festival, Navajo and Sami dancers crafted a unique dance and visual arts performance that highlighted both cultures’ dedication to protecting the earth and to preserving traditional values. I spoke about the importance of cultural exchange for discovering such shared values. Despite being separated by large geographic distances, the Navajo and Sami participants learned how much they had in common and also built lasting connections. For all of the Americans who attended Riddu Riđđu, we also achieved the dream of visiting the remote Arctic Circle.

Last Post: Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor, Washington, D.C.

Why I Chose a Foreign Service Career: I grew up in an Army family and served in the Army myself. I joined the Foreign Service to continue a career in public service in the international arena. I wanted to see the world and serve all over the world, and I have.