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CBP Trade facilitates legitimate trade, enforces law, and protects the American economy to ensure consumer safety and to create a level playing field for American businesses.

Temporary Postponement of the Time to Deposit Certain Estimated Duties, Taxes, and Fees During the National Emergency Concerning the COVID-19 Outbreak


U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) has launched a USMCA Center to coordinate CBP’s implementation of the USMCA Agreement, ensuring a smooth transition with consistent and comprehensive guidance to our internal and external stakeholders.

Trade Statistics

Data summarizing CBP's revenue collection efforts, implementation of the recent trade remedies taken pursuant to Section 232 of the Trade Expansion Act of 1962 and Sections 201 and 301 of the Trade Act of 1974, and trade enforcement actions.

Trade News Snapshot

The new monthly Trade News Snapshot is an overview of the latest updates on CBP’s trade facilitation and enforcement efforts around the globe.  The Snapshot highlights CBP’s important trade programs, initiatives, and operations for our trade partners and the public. CBP works with partner government agencies and the trade community to facilitate legitimate trade that supports economic growth and shield the American public and businesses from unsafe products, intellectual property theft, and unfair trade practices.

21st Century Customs Framework

CBP is cognizant of the need to stay modern in order to meet the challenges of an evolving trade landscape.  New actors, industries, and modes of conducting business have emerged, disrupting the traditional global supply chain.  To continue to effectively fulfill CBP’s mission, CBP is pursuing an initiative titled “The 21st Century Customs Framework” (21CCF).  The 21CCF seeks to address and enhance numerous aspects of CBP’s trade mission to better position the agency to operate in the 21st century trade environment.

AD/CVD Scam Alert

Did You Receive an Email Offering a "Solution" to Avoid Antidumping Duties?  This is a violation of U.S. Law. 

CBP Trade Enforcement - Operational Approach

U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) is committed to protecting national economic security by enforcing U.S. trade laws through its Trade Enforcement efforts. The CBP Trade Enforcement Operational Approach demonstrates how CBP is using all of its authorities to combat trade fraud by DETECTING high-risk activity, DETERRING non-compliance, and DISRUPTING fraudulent behavior. CBP will use all methods at its disposal—including increased bonding, enhanced targeting and inspection of high-risk imports, and swift and thorough review of allegations to ensure a fair and competitive trade environment.

Office of Trade Strategy 2025

CBP Office of Trade is the architect of the most robust customs system in the world and the second largest revenue source in the Federal Government. The Office of Trade Strategy 2025 will guide improvements to secure trade lanes, enhance facilitation, focus enforcement, and optimize resources. The updated roadmap will be published this summer and will address evolving stakeholder needs, operational imperatives, and technology opportunities. The strategy will provide special focus in the areas of trade facilitation; risk-based enforcement; e-commerce; policy making, and enhancing the capabilities; and workforce while promoting CBP's 21st Century Customs Framework, a comprehensive modernization effort that will position CBP for the future of trade. Our strategy reinforces the CBP 2020-2025 Strategy and ushers in the next era of customs.

Locate Port Information

CBP provides security and facilitation operations at 328 ports of entry throughout the country. Use this interactive map to find information specific to air, sea and land entries.

Learn More

U.S. Map for Ports of Entry



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Find answers at the CBP Info Center.


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Last modified: 
December 31, 2020