Library of Congress

Cataloging Distribution Service

The Library of Congress > Cataloging Distribution Service
Cataloging Distribution Service

NOTICE: During the physical closure of Library buildings, our service remains open and our staff are available by email during regular business hours to assist you.

* * * Print publications are no longer available from CDS * * *
Read about free downloads of selected publications.

We publish and distribute many of the Library of Congress cataloging records and cataloging-related tools and resources. Whether you need web-based cataloging tools or cataloging records in various formats, the Cataloging Distribution Service (CDS) provides the most current and authoritative bibliographic resources produced by the Library of Congress.

Classification Web

The only web-based subscription service that features the entire Library of Congress Classification and the complete Library of Congress Subject Headings and Name Headings. Updated daily. Free trial available.

Read more about Classification Web

Cataloger's Desktop

More than 300 of the most important cataloging and metadata resources—available 24-7. Web-based subscription service. Free trial available.
Read more about Cataloger's Desktop

MARC Distribution Services

The premier source for Library of Congress bibliographic and authority records. Fourteen database services offered in hundreds of languages and distributed via FTP (file transfer protocol).
Read more about MARC Distribution Services

Product Categories

See the range of products CDS packages and distributes as bibliographic databases and web-based subscription services for catalogers.
Read more about our products

CDS Price List

Download the 2019 Web Subscription Services & MARC Distribution Services Price List

Telephone Number Change

CDS's "toll-free in U.S." telephone number is now 1-855-266-1884.


Revision to MARC Coding

Read more

Updates Are Coming Soon to Cataloger's Desktop

They include:

  • Data-driven user experience
  • Expanded support for describing and managing metadata for digital collections
  • Increased guidance for the full management lifecycle

Watch the 3 New Training Webinars on the Cataloger's Desktop New User Interface

See the videos now

Highlights of the Cataloger's Desktop User Interface

See highlights of the interface

Learn How to Use Tables in Class Web

See presentation now

MDS Technical Notices

Read the latest MARC Distribution Services technical notice.

CDS Customer Satisfaction Survey (CDS Survey).

Please take this brief survey to help us serve you better.