Fingerprints and Other Biometrics


The FBI provides a variety of services, information, and training involving biometrics—the measurable biological (anatomical and physiological) or behavioral characteristics used for identification of an individual. Fingerprints are a common biometric modality, but others include things like DNA, irises, voice patterns, palmprints, and facial patterns. In an effort to harness new technologies and improve identifications, the Bureau developed its Next Generation Identification (NGI) system, which provides the criminal justice community with the world's largest and most efficient electronic repository of biometric and criminal history information. 

Over the years, the FBI and its partners in the law enforcement and intelligence communities have used biometrics not only to authenticate an individual’s identity (you are who are say you are), but more importantly, to figure out who someone is (by a fingerprint left on a murder weapon or a bomb, for example), typically by scanning a database of records for a match.

The FBI has long been a leader in biometrics. It has used various forms of biometric identification since our earliest days, including assuming responsibility for managing the national fingerprint collection in 1924. More recently, the Bureau’s Science and Technology Branch created the Biometric Center of Excellence (BCOE) to strengthen our ability to combat crime and terrorism with state-of-the-art biometrics technology. In addition to the BCOE, our Criminal Justice Services Division—with its vast repositories of fingerprints and biographical data—is the FBI’s natural focus for identity management activities. However, important additional biometrics-related work is being undertaken by the FBI Laboratory, such as DNA activities, while voice and face recognition initiatives are being pursued in our Operational Technology Division.

Biometric Initiatives 

We continue to look to new scientific advances to increase the range and quality of our biometric identification capabilities, including these three initiatives:

Global Collections Program

Through the Global Collections Program, we foster national and international relationships related to biometrics in support of counterterrorism and other law enforcement efforts. Our initiatives include:

  • The Foreign Biometric Exchange (FBE) Program: This program’s primary mission is to collect high value biometrics obtained from foreign law enforcement partners. The biometric records pertain to individuals of interest to partner countries, the United States, or the international law enforcement community, and include individuals associated with or appropriately suspected of terrorist activity, egregious crimes, or transnational criminal activity.
  • Quick Capture Platform: This is a rapid deployment team whose members are prepared to deploy within four hours to support national and international special security events, critical incidents,  and other emergency operations with rapid identification services. Flyaway teams use electronic fingerprint capture devices and query FBI, Department of Defense, and DHS criminal fingerprint databases.
  • Flyaway Program: This fingerprint capture tool is an advancement of the highly successful QCP kits, which were initially developed for combat theater operations and enabled frontline investigators to collect, store, and match fingerprint data. The MBA, which can be used with an FBI-issued smart phone or tablet, is new technology and quickly became a game-changer when deployed in 2016. The MBA and fingerprint scanner will allow FBI agents and task force officers to quickly determine positive identification of suspected persons, internationally and domestically, making it more conducive to conduct expeditious field operations.
  • Preventing and Combating Serious Crime (PCSC) Initiative: As part of the Visa Waiver Program, partner nations are required to enter into a PCSC agreement to share criminal and terrorist biometrics with the U.S. The Criminal Justice information Services Division acts as the technical implementer for the Department of Justice to provide connectivity between U.S. and partner nation biometric systems.

All About Fingerprints 

Fingerprints vary from person to person (even identical twins have different prints) and don’t change over time. As a result, they are an effective way of identifying fugitives and helping to prove both guilt and innocence. Learn more:

Checks on Employees of Banks and Related Entities

Criminal History Record Information (CHRI) Checks on Employees of Banking-Related Institutions or Entities

Public Law 92‑544 (found in the notes to 28 United States Code § 534) authorizes the FBI to exchange records "with officials of federally chartered or insured banking institutions to promote or maintain the security of those institutions." The same broad language is used in the regulation governing such checks at 28 CFR § 50.12(a).

Pursuant to this authority, the banking industry for many years has conducted criminal history record information (CHRI) checks on employees of federally chartered or insured banking institutions. Due to evolving business practices and methods of operation in the banking industry, the FBI has received requests from the industry for clarification of the authority to conduct CHRI checks on employees of other entities, such as bank subsidiaries, holding companies, and contractors, that have a direct relationship with a banking institution, affecting the security of the institution, and the authority to provide the results of the CHRI checks to officials of bank holding companies involved in the human resource decisions of banking institutions held by such companies. The FBI takes this opportunity to clarify that: (1) employees of bank subsidiaries, holding companies and contractors who are intimately involved in the management or operations of a banking institution or who otherwise have access to a bank’s restricted areas, infrastructure, or assets, may be subject to CHRI checks, and (2) officials to whom criminal history record checks results may be returned include officials of bank holding companies who are involved in the human resource decisions of banking institutions held by such companies.

FBI Biometric Training 

Recording Friction Ridges (e-Learning Module)

Friction Ridge Identification is the method of identification using the impressions made by the minute ridge formations found on the palmar surface of the hand. No two persons have exactly the same arrangement of friction ridge detail.

For more information, visit the Recording Friction Ridges (e-Learning Module) website.

Agencies can use this best practices guide as a reference tool for correctly capturing palm print images.

To increase accuracy, please review this document when capturing and submitting palm prints to the FBI.