US flag Official website of the Department of Homeland Security

CBP Officer

CBP Officers have exciting careers enforcing laws that protect the United States.

CBP’s primary mission is preventing terrorism. As a CBP Officer, you will secure the border and prevent drug smuggling while enforcing immigration laws, protecting agriculture, and ensuring trade compliance.

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Diverse group of CBP Officers walking together at a port of entry
Office of Field Operations logo on top of blue and white stripe background

“I enjoy working for CBP because of the endless opportunities. I can go anywhere in the world and do an infinite variety of jobs. At the same time, it provides a stable career for me and my family.”

Why We Love Our Job

“I enjoy working for CBP because of its fast paced ever evolving environment. Working to interdict threats against the United States is rewarding. There is always a chance to learn something new and to share with your fellow officers the knowledge you possess.”

Female CBP Officer Cristina standing in front of blue background

Motorcycle Enthusiast CBP Officer Finds Southern Border Climate Picture-Perfect

CBP Officer Branden Stoliker loves motorcycling and discovered the perfect location in Southern Arizona during a temporary duty assignment at the Port of Nogales. After living and working in cold and wet northern climates, Branden happily transferred to the Port of Nogales, Arizona where he now enjoys his passion for riding year round.

CBP’s Border Life
Last modified: 
November 18, 2020