Flag of Nigeria


USAID Nigeria: The Naija News
Nigeria Newsletter
Launch of Albishirin Ku! in Bauchi, Soko, and Kebbi States
USAID's Albishirin Ku! (Glad Tidings) Messaging Campaign To Improve Community Health in Three Nigerian States
Nigeria: A new chapter for literacy in northern Nigeria
A new chapter for literacy in Northern Nigeria

Speeches Shim

Country contact shim

Although Nigeria is the one of the largest economies in sub-Saharan Africa, it must overcome significant development and governance challenges to fulfill its true potential. Per the United Nations, the country has one of the world’s lowest per capita social spending levels resulting in sixty-five percent of the 186 million citizens living in extreme poverty. These conditions breed disaffection in youth, provide an entry point for Islamic extremism, entice corruption, and promote ineffective governance. Northeast Nigeria has become one of the world's most complex humanitarian crises due to the Boko Haram insurgency and extremely low levels of development in the region.  Additionally, acute insecurity, protracted displacement, loss of income, and lack of agricultural production as a result of the Boko Haram insurgency have left millions of people vulnerable. 

To combat these many challenges, USAID seeks to grow stability through improved social services, transparent and responsive governance, a market-led economy, and humanitarian assistance. To address the worsening complex humanitarian crisis in the Northeast, we provide lifesaving humanitarian assistance, as well as development assistance to help ensure long term recovery in the region. Together, through partner organizations and with the Nigerian government, we focus on priority regions of the country to reach these goals.  Our activities support the Government of Nigeria’s strategies and planning.


    Assistance Provided to Nigeria

    Evaluations for Nigeria

    Contact Information

    Mission Contact

    Anne Patterson, Mission Director
    Plot 1075 Diplomatic Drive
    Central District Area, Abuja
    +234 803 900 9300

    USAID Contact

    Chad Weinberg
    1300 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
    , DC 

    Last updated: December 23, 2020

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