Common Filing Tasks

December 30, 2020
Licensees may be required to perform standard filing tasks after obtaining a license. These tasks may be performed using the Universal Licensing...

Information on Each Section of Form 477

December 9, 2020
For Form 477 Filings as of December 31, 2019 to the Present: Fixed Broadband Deployment: Terms | Formatting Info | Sample File | Excel Template |...

Common Filing Tasks Ground Stations

December 8, 2020
Licensees may be required to perform standard filing tasks after obtaining a license. For information on current applicable fees, see the Wireless...

Remember to Rescan

November 2, 2020
If you watch free over-the-air television with an antenna, you should rescan your TV set periodically to make sure you're receiving all the available...
En Español
E.g., 01/04/2021
E.g., 01/04/2021