General Provisions Applicable to All DOL Privacy Act Systems

Government-Wide Systems of Records

CENTRAL - DOL Central Systems of Records

ADJBDS - DOL Adjudicatory Boards Systems of Records

ASP - DOL Office of the Assistant Secretary for Policy

BLS - DOL Bureau of Labor Statistics Systems of Records

EBSA - DOL Employees Benefits Security Administration Systems of Records

EEOICP - DOL Ombudsman for the Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program Systems of Records

ETA- DOL Employment and Training Administration Systems of Records

ILAB - DOL Bureau of International Labor Affairs

MSHA - DOL Mine Safety and Health Administration Systems of Records

OALJ - DOL Office of Administrative Law Judges Systems of Records

OASAM - DOL Office of the Assistant Secretary for Administration and Management Systems of Records

OCFO - DOL Office of the Chief Financial Officer Systems of Records

ODEP - DOL Office of Disability Employment Policy Systems of Records

OFCCP - DOL Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs Systems of Records

OIG - DOL Office of Inspector General Systems of Records

OLMS - DOL Office of Labor-Management Standards Systems of Records

OSEC - DOL Office of the Secretary

OSHA - DOL Occupational Safety andHealth Administration Systems of Records

OWCP - DOL Office of Workers' Compensation Programs Systems of Records

SOL - DOL Office of the Solicitor Systems of Records

VETS - DOL Veterans' Employment and Training Service Systems of Records

WHD - DOL Wage and Hour Division Systems of Records