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In local communities nationwide, USDA and partners support farmers, ranchers, and forest landowners with the complex business of doing business. Explore USDA programs and resources below for managing risk, workers, products, and your land. 

Start with the Basics

Visit the US Small Business Administration’s website for an end-to-end business guide, and then check out the extensive library on Farm Answers for business resources specific to the agriculture industry.  Find agricultural information about your state on the National Association of State Agriculture’s website.

Find resources for beginning farmers and ranchers through

Learn About the 2018 Farm Bill

The 2018 Farm Bill was enacted on December 20, 2018. It builds upon many of the crucial programs that serve America’s agricultural producers by enhancing farm support programs, improving crop insurance, maintaining disaster programs, and promoting and supporting voluntary conservation.

Read the Farmers’ Guide to Farm Bill Programs brochure and visit our 2018 Farm Bill Page to learn more.

Manage Risk

Enroll in risk management programs to prepare for and recover from the unexpected.

Manage Employees

Find resources for hiring and managing agricultural workers, including an interactive H-2A Visa Checklist built around your hiring needs.

Create Your H-2A Visa Checklist

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Answer a few short questions to create your personalized H-2A visa checklist for hiring temporary agricultural workers from other countries.

Manage Production

Manage your crops, animals, and other products strategically through USDA programs, information, and tools.

Manage Your Land and Resources

Get started here and then learn about conservation financial and technical assistance under our Conserve section.

Market Your Products

From food hubs to economic trends, USDA agencies offer valuable information about global, national, and local market trends and food networks.

Plan for the Future

Are you looking to retire your land or hand it down to family?  Head on over to our Conserve page to explore your options. Or consider the USDA Farm Service Agency’s Transition Incentive Program or TIP that connects retired or retiring land owners and operators with beginning or socially disadvantaged farmers or ranchers.

Have more questions than answers about farm transition?

Read professional advice and research on the Farmland Information Center, the Farm Transition Toolbox, and the Farm Answers Library on 

Visit your local USDA service center to discuss your options with a local employee.