Updates to Data.gov Home Page

Data.gov has made a few updates to its home page in recent days.
For users seeking information about the coronavirus, we have added a prominent link to coronavirus.gov

We have also added navigation to two existing sites, strategy.data.gov and resources.data.gov. Strategy.data.gov is the home of the Federal Data Strategy, with information about the strategy, the Action Plan, and progress toward the Action Plan items, as determined by the Office of Management and Budget. Resources.data.gov is an online repository of tools, best practices, and schema standards to facilitate adoption of open data practices. The site is a joint effort of OMB, the Office of Government Information Services of the National Archives, and GSA, as required by the OPEN Government Data Act.

In addition, we have conducted a content review of the site to archive outdated content. Datasets are not affected, as the Data.gov catalog is continually updated automatically by harvesting metadata maintained by the contributing agencies. Under the OPEN Government Data Act, federal agencies maintain comprehensive inventories of their data assets that are harvested into the federal data catalog, Data.gov. Progress on agency data inventories can be tracked on this dashboard. Overall progress on the Federal Data Strategy is reported on strategy.data.gov.

by Data.gov
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