The jurisdiction of the Subcommittee on Human Resources shall include bills and matters referred to the Committee on Ways and Means that relate to the public assistance provisions of the Social Security Act, including temporary assistance for needy families, child care, child and family services, child support, foster care, adoption, supplemental security income, social services, eligibility of welfare recipients for food stamps, and low-income energy assistance.  More specifically, the jurisdiction of the Subcommittee on Human Resources shall include bills and matters relating to titles I, IV, VI, X, XIV, XVI, XVII, XX and related provisions of titles VII and XI of the Social Security Act.

The jurisdiction of the Subcommittee on Human Resources shall also include bills and matters referred to the Committee on Ways and Means that relate to the Federal-State system of unemployment compensation, and the financing thereof, including the programs for extended and emergency benefits.  More specifically, the jurisdiction of the Subcommittee on Human Resources shall also include all bills and matters pertaining to the programs of unemployment compensation under titles III, IX and XII of the Social Security Act, Chapters 23 and 23A of the Internal Revenue Code, and the Federal-State Extended Unemployment Compensation Act of 1970, and provisions relating thereto.

Source: “Rules of the Committee on Ways and Means”

What We are Working On:

The Ways and Means Committee knows the reauthorization of TANF is key to helping close the jobs gap. The Jobs and Opportunity with Benefits and Services (JOBS) for Success Act:

  • Extends the program for five years, as well as child care and related programs;
  • Ensures no one gets ignored or is left on the sidelines, by requiring states to engage with every individual;
  • Measures work outcomes to hold states accountable for the intended purpose of the program;
  • Limits the use of funds to families who truly need it the most by requiring monthly income to be below 200% of the poverty level;
  • Focuses on work and activities that lead to work, ultimately creating the building blocks for people’s success; and
  • Renames the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program to Jobs and Opportunity with Benefits and Services (JOBS), to underscore our commitment to these reforms.

CLICK HERE for information packet.

CLICK HERE for summary handout.

CLICK HERE to read the bill.

CLICK HERE for the section-by-section summary.

CLICK HERE for the letter of support.

Below are a list of bills included in this legislation:

H.R. 1476 “Coordinating Assistance for TANF Recipients Act – Rep. Walorski

H.R. 1245 “Improving Access to Child Care Act” – Rep. LaHood

H.R. 1247 “Supporting Work through Apprenticeships Act” – Rep. LaHood

H.R. 1246 “Improving Access to Work Act” – Rep. LaHood

H.R. 1490 “Helping Americans Succeed by Measuring Outcomes Act” – Rep. Reed

H.R. 1505 “Protecting Family Resources and Training Options Act” – Rep. Arrington

H.R. 1469 “Improving Transparency in TANF through Data Act” – Rep. Schweikert

H.R. 1413 “Workforce Opportunity Realignment Kickstart (WORK) Act” – Rep. Wenstrup

H.R. 1473 “Focusing State Efforts to Expand Opportunity Act” – Rep. A. Smith
