Agricultural Exchange Rate Data Set

This dataset contains annual and monthly data for exchange rates important to U.S. agriculture. It includes both nominal and real exchange rates for 79 countries, plus the European Union (EU), as well as real trade-weighted exchange rate indexes for many commodities and aggregations. All series are updated quarterly. Data series start at the beginning of 1970 and run to the last available data point.


Data Set Last Updated Next Update
Commodity Spreadsheets
Real Annual Commodity Trade Weighted Exchange Rates 11/23/2020 2/25/2021
Real Monthly Commodity Trade Weighted Exchange Rate Indexes 11/23/2020 2/25/2021
Country Spreadsheets
Real Monthly Country Average Exchange Rates (local currency per USD) 11/23/2020 2/25/2021
Nominal Annual Country Average Exchange Rates (local currency per USD) 11/23/2020 2/25/2021
Nominal Monthly Country Average Exchange Rates (local currency per USD) 11/23/2020 2/25/2021
Real Annual Country Average Exchange Rates (local currency per USD) 11/23/2020 2/25/2021
Exchange Rate Weights
Agricultural Trade Weights by Commodity or Commodity Group 11/23/2020 2/25/2021

Last updated: Monday, November 23, 2020

For more information, contact: Kayode Ajewole