Sugar and Sweeteners Outlook ERS

This report provides an outlook on domestic and global sugar production, use, and stocks. Annual domestic production of sugar is estimated for the current year, forecasted for the next fiscal year and compared with annual sugar use and annual importation. International production and use of sugar (especially that of Mexico's) is also estimated for the current year and forecasted for the next year. International imports and exports are estimated on a country by country basis, with analysis for notable policy changes. Also included are international and global ending stocks of sugar and how they measure against production and use.

Printed copies can be purchased from the National Technical Information Service (NTIS) by calling 1-800-999-6779 (specify SUB-SSS-4033).

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Tables from the Sugar and Sweeteners Yearbook are available at They contain the latest data and historical information on the production, use, prices, imports, and exports of sugar and sweeteners.

Related Websites
Sugar and Sweeteners Outlook
Sugar Topics

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Frequency of Release:Monthly


Start date:
End date:
Dec 16, 2020
Contact person name:Andrew Sowell
Contact office name:Economic Research Service