Cotton and Wool Yearbook

The Cotton and Wool Yearbook contains U.S. cotton and wool production, supply, use, trade, and price statistics. The tables also include domestic and world price series and indexes; State cotton acreage, yield, and production data; and conversions of U.S. textile imports and exports.


Data Set Last Updated Next Update
U.S. Cotton Supply and Demand
U.S. supply and use estimates and state production estimates 11/23/2020 11/22/2021
Cotton Prices
U.S. and world prices 11/23/2020 11/22/2021
World Cotton Supply and Demand
World, foreign, and selected countries' supply and demand estimates 11/23/2020 11/22/2021
U.S. Fiber Demand
Mill use, domestic demand, and per capita estimates 11/23/2020 11/22/2021
U.S. Wool Supply and Demand
U.S. supply and use estimates and prices 11/23/2020 11/22/2021
U.S. Textile Fiber Trade
Raw-fiber equivalents of textile imports and exports, by fiber 11/23/2020 11/22/2021
All Tables
All Cotton Yearbook 11/23/2020 11/22/2021

Last updated: Monday, November 23, 2020

For more information, contact: Leslie Meyer