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Issue 475 - November 15 , 2012 

Copyright Exceptions for Libraries in the Digital Age: Section 108 Reform, RESCHEDULED

The Kernochan Center for Law, Media and the Arts at Columbia Law School and the U.S. Copyright Office have announced that the public symposium on reform of Section 108 of the Copyright Act will take place on Friday, February 8, 2013. The symposium, originally scheduled for November 2, 2012, but postponed due to Hurricane Sandy and its aftermath, will feature a variety of speakers discussing legal issues relating to the preservation and digitization activities of libraries in the digital age, as well as appropriate standards for securing and making available copyrighted works. Maria Pallante, Register of Copyrights; Jane Ginsburg, Columbia Professor of Law; Shira Perlmutter, Chief Policy Officer at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office; and Richard Rudick, Co-Chair of the independent Section 108 Study Group, will join representatives from the library and publishing sectors for the daylong program at Columbia Law School. The symposium is part of the Copyright Office's ongoing efforts to review and update copyright exceptions for libraries and archives and to work in partnership with academic institutions. Please visit the Kernochan Center website to register: www.law.columbia.edu/kernochan.


November 15 and 16, 2012 Public meeting in New York City on remedies for small copyright claims
November 26, 2012

Due date for reply comments on proposed amendments to proposed regulations governing reporting of statements of account under the section 115 license

November 26 and 27, 2012 Public meeting in Los Angeles on remedies for small copyright claims
December 5, 2012 Due date for comments on consideration of a federal resale royalty right

January 4, 2013

Due date for comments on Orphan Works

February 4, 2013

Due date for reply comments on Orphan Works

February 8, 2013 Public symposium on section 108 reform at Columbia Law School in New York City
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