U.S. Copyright Office
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Issue 457 - May 25, 2012 

Copyright Office Proposes Amending Regulations on Filing Notices of Intent under Section 115

The Copyright Office is proposing to amend its regulations for filing Notices of Intention to obtain a Section 115 compulsory license with the Copyright Office to provide an option for electronically filing the notice. By law, such notices may be filed in the Office only when the public records of the Copyright Office do not identify the copyright owner of the musical work and include an address at which notice can be served. The Office has established a pilot program to test electronic filing. Members of the public may participate in beta testing by contacting the Copyright Office. In addition, the Copyright Office is proposing to clarify in its regulations that it does not examine Notices of Intention filed with the Office for legal sufficiency and to include a privacy act advisory statement. Comments are due by July 9, 2012. A rulemaking page containing a comment form has been posted on the Copyright Office website at http://copyright.gov/docs/section115/efilings/comments/.


May 31 and
June 4-June 6, 2012

Hearing in Washington, D.C., on possible exemptions to the prohibition against circumvention of technological measures that control access to copyrighted works.

July 1, 2012

Effective date of discontinuance of Form CO and removal from regulations of references to CON1 and CON2.

July 9, 2012

Due date for comments on proposal to amend regulations regarding filing a Notice of Intention under Section 115.

July 16, 2012

Due date for comments on proposal to amend regulations governing the definition of a “claimant”

August 15, 2012

Due date for reply comments on proposal to amend regulations governing the definition of a “claimant”
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