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Issue 443 - December 16, 2011 

Copyright Office Issues Corrections to Specialty Station List

The Copyright Office periodically seeks to update its list of specialty stations related to the use of the cable compulsory license. Specialty station status is determined by reference to the former regulations of the Federal Communications Commission in effect on June 24, 1981, which defined a specialty station as "a commercial television broadcast station that generally carries foreign-language, religious, and/or automated programming in one-third of the hours of an average broadcast week and one-third of the weekly prime-time hours." In response to the publication of an initial updated list of specialty stations in April 2011, the Office received objections filed by the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) to the identification of certain stations as being entitled to specialty station status in accordance with the FCC's definition of specialty station. Consequently, before compiling the final list, the Office provided on November 8, 2011, an opportunity for response to the filed objections (76 FR 69288). The Office also published for comment a new list of television stations reported in filed affidavits received after publication of the initial list in which the owner or licensee of the television station attested that the station qualifies as a specialty station under the FCC's former rules.

Corrections have now been made to the names of certain stations on the list published on November 8, 2011. (Read more.)


December 27, 2011

Due date for reply comments on updating regulations governing designation of online service agents

January 9, 2012 Due date for objections to newly designated specialty stations
January 9, 2012 Due date for responses to any of the MPAA objections
January 16, 2012

Due date for comments on small copyright claims

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