Infrastructure Visualization Platform

The Infrastructure Visualization Platform (IVP) is a data collection and presentation medium that supports critical infrastructure security, special event planning, and responsive operations.


  • Provides immersive imagery, geospatial, and hypermedia data of critical facilities, surrounding areas, transportation routes, etc.
  • Integrates assessment data from Assist Visits, Infrastructure Survey Tool and Rapid Survey Tool security surveys, and other relevant materials to an interactive visual guide of a selected location.

Aerial image of a sports stadium and the surrounding buildings and roads around the stadium.Image of hallway in the sports stadium with small section of blueprints showing where the image is in a blueprint of the stadium.

The data is used to support:

  • Regional Resiliency Assessment Program
  • National Special Security Events (such as the Super Bowl or Presidential inaugurations)
  • Other special events (such as the Nuclear Security Summit or the G8 Summit)
  • Preparation for hurricane season
  • Initiatives of facility owners and operators, local law enforcement, and emergency response personnel

CISA collaborates with the United States Secret Service, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and other agencies to conduct IVP imagery collections.

Additional Information

For more information on the IVP, please email

Download a printer-friendly fact sheet for the Infrastructure Visualization Platform.

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