Frequently Asked Questions about Copyright

Group Registration of Unpublished Works (GRUW)

What is group registration of unpublished works?
What does "GRUW" stand for?
How do I register two or more unpublished works with the same application?
Where can I learn about this group registration option?
In the past, I registered my work as an "unpublished collection". Can I still do this?
When does this change go into effect?
When was this change announced?
What has the Office done to notify the public about this change?
Do I need to submit my claim through the electronic registration system?
Can I use a paper application to register two or more unpublished works?
Where do I find information about the online registration system?
What if I need help completing the online application for a "Group of Unpublished Works"?
I've been using a paper application to registr my works as an "unpublished collection". Can I still use a paper form?
I've been using the "Standard" online application to register my works as an "unpublished collection". Can I still use the "Standard" application?
How can I tell the difference between the online application for a "Group of Unpublished Works" and the "Standard" online application?
Can I register more than ten unpublished works with the same application?
Can I register published and unpublished works with the same application?
Can I register multiple works with different authors?
What if someone else owns the copyright in the works?
I want to include the current owner's name in the registration record. How can I do that?
Do I need to provide a title for each work?
What if my works don't have titles?
Where do I enter the title for each work?
Should I enter all of the titles in the same space?
Can I provide a title for my "collection"?
Do I need to upload an electronic copy of my works?
Where do I find information about how to upload my works?
Do I need to submit my works in a particular format?
Can I submit all of my works in one electronic file?
Can I upload individual pages from each work?
I've been sending physical copies to the Copyright Office. Can I still do this?
My works were created in a physical format. Do I still need to upload an electronic copy of each work?
I registered a group of unpublished works. I found an error in my certificate. I also want to add some additional information to the certificate. Can I do this?
Where do I find the application for supplementary registration?
Where can I learn more about supplementary registration?

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