Serving the Needs of Data Practitioners with a New

We are excited to announce the relaunch of a new, an online repository of policies, tools, case studies, and other resources to support data governance, management, exchange, and use throughout the federal government. The site is a joint effort of OMB, the Office of Government Information Services of the National Archives, and GSA, as required by the OPEN Government Data Act, Title II of the Foundations for Evidence-Based Policymaking Act. This resource promises to become a central hub that gathers, publicizes, and shares high-quality data tools and resources, thereby supporting and amplifying the efforts and products of groups and individual data managers and practitioners across government.

As called for in the Foundations for Evidence-Based Policymaking Act and delivering against milestones set out in Action 11 of the Federal Data Strategy 2020 Action Plan, this update to features new ways to browse tools and resources by category and keyword, introduces a user-driven taxonomy and information architecture, and adds new case studies, tools, and policy references to the repository. The update is the work of the Data Federation Team from GSA’s 18F, through support from the 10x program. You can learn more about this process in the 10x’s blog post on its work.

Find the following on   


  • Data management & governance: Playbooks, guidance, templates, and other resources to support the implementation of policy, the creation of data governance structures, and the day-to-day work of data management in the federal government
  • Data tools: Software tools and complementary resources to support the hands-on work of data practitioners
  • Data standards: Standards, schemas, and related resources — this category will continue to be built out in response to Federal Data Strategy Action 20, which calls for a data standards repository to accelerate the creation and adoption of data standards across agencies
  • Skills development: Guides, tutorials, and personnel-related resources to build and develop a data-savvy workforce
  • Policy: Legislation, official memos, regulations, and mandates related to the governance, management, and use of data in the federal government
  • Case studies & examples: Articles, use cases, and proof points describing projects undertaken by data managers and data practitioners across the federal government


This relaunch aims to capture a lot of existing work in a more discoverable and user friendly way, but the real goal is to create a lasting foundation for much more work to come. The Federal Data Strategy 2020 Action Plan calls out as the place to find a number of deliverables that are still in development as well as continued stakeholder engagement to help inform and evolve the site to better serve users. Contributions to are welcome through its repository on GitHub.


By staff
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