Office of the Chief Information Officer

United States Department of Agriculture

Security Sensor Array Operations Access

Service Description

Provide agency user access to the secure ASOC Security Sensor Array (SSA) operating environment. Provide identified users with RSA tokens, system equipment, maintenance and licensing required for SSA access.

What's Included

Functions of this security service include

  • Access to the ASOC SSA application, database and portal monitoring service
  • Procure, deploy and update standard ASOC SSA RSA tokens, system infrastructure maintenance and software licensing
  • Host, manage, maintain, and update the ASOC SSA Access system software and hardware infrastructure. 

How We Charge

Costs are determined by the number of full time employees (FTE) provided SSA access.

Service Level Metrics

Measure Target SLA
System Monitoring 24 x 7
System Availability Varies by customer environment

Cost Saving Tips

  • Provide lower total cost of information security ownership.
  • Allow agencies focus resources on mission critical business objectives.
  • Compliance with government regulations is provided through ongoing security monitoring.
  • A vendor neutral approach supports the appropriate composition of security services by deploying market-based solutions from a wide variety of industry sources.

Additional Information

Services are in compliance with applicable standards from NIST, OMB, FIPS and GAO.