Office of the Chief Information Officer

United States Department of Agriculture

Disaster Recovery

Service Description

NITC can provide assistance to customers with their Disaster Recovery (DR) planning, coordination, and incident response based on the Customer’s Business Impact Analysis (BIA), Recover Point Objectives (RPO), Recovery Time Objectives (RTO), and overall recovery priority.

What's Included

  • Facilitation, planning, and coordination with NITC and Customer technical staff and coordinators to:
    - Assist with customer application Business Impact   Analysis
    - Co-develop customer application Disaster Recovery   Plans and recovery procedures
    - Identify recovery priorities and dependencies with   other applications
    - Perform Table-top Disaster Recovery Exercises
    - Perform functional Disaster Recovery Exercises
    - Assist with documenting customer Test, Training, and   Execution(TT&E) programs and After Action Reports

How We Charge

Charges are based on actual numbers of professional services hours.

Price Drivers:

  • Frequency and complexity of DR planning
  • Frequency and complexity of DR testing

Service Level Metrics

Possible Disaster Recovery Options

Service/Option RTO RPO*
PaaS - Mainframe 24 hours 24 hours or less
Database Replication 2 hours 2 hours
Disk Replication 4 hours 2 hours
Tape Replication 24 hours 24 hours
Offsite Tape Rotation 72 hours 72 hours

* Actual RPO is dependent on critical component availability for the timely replication of data.

Cost Saving Tips

  • Purge or archive unused data
  • Perform a Business Impact Analysis to determine application RTO and RPO requirements
  • Ensure the appropriate data protection solution is utilized to meet actual RTO and RPO requirements.

Additional Information

Typical Recovery Options and Relative Costs

Download the Disaster Recovery page from the NITC Service Catalog.