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Cooling Water Intakes

Cooling Water Intakes -​ Final 2014 Rule for Existing Electric Generating Plants and Factories

Photo - Cooling towersThis rule covers roughly 1,065 existing facilities that are designed to withdraw at least 2 million gallons per day of cooling water. EPA estimates that 521 of these facilities are factories, and the other 544 are power plants.
  • Final Rule: Federal Register Notice (August 15, 2014)
  • Support documents, including
    • Fact sheet and news release
    • Technical Development Document
      Engineering analysis of technologies and costs
    • Economic Analysis
      Economic cost and impact analyses
    • Benefits Analysis
      Analysis of environmental impacts and benefits of regulation of cooling water intakes
  • Docket Information: The supporting record for the final rule is available at The docket number for the rule is EPA-HQ-OW-2008-0667
  • Proposed Rule (2011), related notices