International Criminal Investigative Training Assistance Program (ICITAP)

International Criminal Investigative Training Assistance Program (ICITAP)

ICITAP has contributed to our national security by building law enforcement capacity and strategic partnerships worldwide since 1986.
ICITAP has contributed to our national security by building law enforcement capacity and strategic partnerships worldwide since 1986.


ICITAP LogoThe International Criminal Investigative Training Assistance Program (ICITAP) works with foreign governments to develop professional and transparent law enforcement institutions that protect human rights, combat corruption, and reduce the threat of transnational crime and terrorism. ICITAP provides international development assistance that supports both national security and foreign policy objectives.

Situated in the Department of Justice's Criminal Division, ICITAP works in close partnership with and receives funding for its programs from the U.S. Department of State, the U.S. Agency for International Development, and the U.S. Department of Defense.

ICITAP programs are designed in partnership with the host countries, and program implementation methods include on-the-ground, pre-program assessments; program planning, management, and review; curriculum development; classroom training, seminars, and workshops; internships; equipment donations; donor coordination; and on-the-job training and mentoring provided by embedded long-term advisors.

In the News

Panama: ICITAP Helps Strengthen Capacity of National Police Directorate of Judicial Investigations

November 13, 2020

On November 13, the ICITAP-Panama mission reported on the newest class from the ICITAP Investigations Course going through courtroom testimony and the final graduation. The course was presented to new investigators from the Panamanian National Police’s Directorate of Judicial Investigations in Panama City, Panama. The three-week course consisted of presentations on the best practices of investigations, forensics and crime scene investigations, courtroom testimony and a series of practical exercises. ICITAP was assisted by certified CSI and investigators that have graduated from our train-the-trainer course and the investigations or CSI course. The assistance was in presentations, monitoring of students and in the execution and evaluation of the practical exercises. In Panama, ICITAP works with the support of and in coordination with the State Department’s Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL).

ICITAP Holds Global Town Hall to Highlight FY20 Achievements

November 10, 2020

On November 10, ICITAP held a global town hall meeting titled “Fiscal Year 2020: A Historic Year in Review” with nearly 200 ICITAP participants across 15 time zones to highlight significant achievements during fiscal year 2020. Topics included ICITAP’s efforts to mitigate the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, ICITAP’s significant increase in its global presence, ICITAP’s new strategic plan, ICITAP’s increase in HQ and field staffing, ICITAP’s new prime contractor, FY20 funding, significant interagency partnerships, forensic developments, ICITAP’s International Police Development Advisory Council and relevant analysis of 21st century policing, ICITAP’s publications in partnership with the COPS Office, ICITAP’s curricula, select ICITAP operational successes, new geographic and subject-matter initiatives, and the future.

Dominican Republic: ICITAP Helps Strategize on Staffing of Police Directorate for Attention to Women and Domestic Violence

November 10, 2020

On November 10, the Dominican National Police Directorate for Attention to Women and Domestic Violence (DEAMVI) approved the proposed organizational structure and projected positions submitted by the ICITAP mission in Santo Domingo. This proposal offers structure and consistency for authorizing staff assignments and applying this organizational structure at the national level. As part of the implementation of the Human Resources development model, through the development of the competencies and responsibilities manuals and the correct assignment of positions, work sessions were conducted with the director of DEAMVI. In collaboration with the DNP HR directorate, the proposal for structure and the matrix of projection of positions at the national level for the staff was presented and approved by the Director to be implemented as soon as possible. As a result, the approval of the structure facilitates the development and sustainability of the Specialized Directorate of Women's Care and Intrafamily Violence by incorporating the necessary functions and human resources towards provide quality service to the citizenry. In the DR, ICITAP works with the support of and in coordination with USAID.

Read More from the Press Room



Gregory Ducot
Director, ICITAP


Gary Bullard
Principal Deputy Director

Nicole Whitaker
Deputy Director


ICITAP Direct Line
(202) 305-8190

Department of Justice Main Switchboard
(202) 514-2000