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The U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Office of Enterprise Assessments (EA) provides expert evaluations of management performance in safety, security and other areas by seasoned experts who are independent of line management. Information related to enforcement, safety, security, emergency management and cyber performance management is made available to the public in the EA Information Center.

The Department’s Enforcement Office conducts enforcement activities for Federal regulatory requirements pertaining to worker safety and health, nuclear safety, and classified information security under authorities granted to the Secretary of Energy by the Atomic Energy Act. The EA Info Center provides a resource for DOE Enforcement Letters, Notices of Violation, Compliance & Special Report Orders, and Consent Orders & Settlement Agreements.

EA provides line management, Congress, and other stakeholders with an independent evaluation of the effectiveness of DOE policy and line management performance in safety and security, and other critical areas as directed by the Secretary of Energy.  Assessment related information is made available to the public. 

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