Program Benefits

The Work@Health® Program is designed to train employers and other participants how to establish, expand and improve science- and practice-based health promotion strategies that will lead to specific, measureable means to reduce chronic disease rates in the workplace. Work@Health® training provides employers with the knowledge and tools to promote good health in their work places to prevent or reduce chronic illness and disability, thereby improving productivity and the competitiveness of employers participating in this training program.

Employers participating in the Work@Health® Program receive a variety of benefits, including:

  •  A complete health and safety assessment of their organization to define existing needs, interests and the capacity of their worksite for specific health and safety interventions to address those needs
  • Professional training via a blended delivery model to learn how to develop a worksite health intervention plan to meet individual employer needs
  • Technical assistance and community support resources aimed at giving employers what they need to sustain the worksite health promotion interventions
  • The careful monitoring of participants’ progress in implementing their worksite health interventions by professional worksite health trainers and on-going availability of technical assistance
  • An on-going opportunity to expand their network by linking to and partnering with other employers and organizations with a focus on health in their community
  • A safer and healthier work environment at the end of the program
  • Certification and recognition of employer participants as healthy worksites

Participants in the Train-the-Trainer model are:

  • Acquiring the knowledge and skills necessary to deliver comprehensive worksite health training to employers via the blended training model
  • Becoming skilled at using integrated social media and professional training tools to deliver effective basic comprehensive worksite health training
  • Receiving financial assistance to facilitate the delivery of the Work@Health® curricula to other employers
  • Joining a cadre of trainers who are capable of providing basic comprehensive worksite health training to interested employees of small to mid-sized companies
  • Earning the title “Certified Trainer” and receiving a certificate of achievement that recognizes their role and level of expertise and performance

Read about Training and Implementation