Links to Other Organizations

Federal Agencies

Agency for Healthcare Research and Qualityexternal icon

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health

Centers of Medicare and Medicaid Servicesexternal icon

Bureau of Labor Statisticsexternal icon

National Institutes of Healthexternal icon

Occupational Safety and Health Administrationexternal icon

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administrationexternal icon

State Agency Worksite Health Program Information and Tools

Alabama Department of Public Health

Worksite Wellness Divisionexternal icon

Arizona Department of Health Services

Healthy Arizona Worksitesexternal icon

The website provides information and tools to help businesses in Arizona build healthier worksites and have healthier employees.

Arkansas Department of Health

Worksite Wellnessexternal icon

The website contains guidance, tools, and resources for developing worksite programs.

California Department of Public Health

Worksite Program: California Fit Business Kitexternal icon

The Network for a Healthy California — Worksite Program is an initiative led by the California Department of Health Services and administered by the Public Health Institute. The Worksite Program works with employers throughout California to:  1) Improve access to healthy foods and physical activity at workplaces; 2) Foster supportive work environments that encourage healthy lifestyle choices; and 3) Establish public policies that bolster health promotion efforts at worksites.

Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment

Worksite Resource Kitexternal icon

The resource kit was designed by the Colorado Physical Activity and Nutrition Program Worksite Task Force focused on improving physical activity and nutrition at the worksite. The Worksite Resource Kit was designed for all worksites, large or small, to gain resources and program ideas to build or enhance worksite health promotion programs.

Georgia Division of Public Health

Work Healthy Georgiaexternal icon

The Georgia Worksite Health Initiative seeks to reduce the burden of diseases by helping Georgia businesses create healthy worksite environments for employees. The Initiative demonstrates leadership in the area of worksite health promotion and drives a statewide effort by providing: 1) Resources and technical assistance; 2) Data collection and reporting; 3) Establishing model worksites; and 4) Partnering at the State-level to support worksite efforts.

Hawaii State Department of Health

Worksite Programsexternal icon

The worksite program is part of the Hawaii Department of Health’s Start Living Healthy statewide health promotion campaign. funded through Tobacco Settlement funds. This multimedia educational campaign, with partnerships in both the private and public sectors, is designed to provide the people of Hawaii with easy to understand information on healthy living.

Indiana Governor’s Council for Physical Fitness and Sports

Indiana Healthy Worksites Toolkit for Small Business pdf icon[PDF – 1.3 MB]external icon

Maine Department of Health and Human Services

Healthy Maine Partnerships: The Good Work Resources Kitexternal icon

The Good Work Resources Kit was developed to help worksites interested in developing low-cost ways to support employee health by modeling successful techniques used by Maine businesses.

Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene

Maryland Occupational Safety and Health Program (MOSH)external icon

Massachusetts Department of Health and Human Services

Healthy Workplaces: A Resource Guide for Worksite Wellness pdf icon[PDF – 2.3M]external icon

Mass in Motion: Better Health, It’s Your Moveexternal icon

Michigan Department of Community Health

Designing Healthy Environments at Workexternal icon

The Designing Healthy Environments at Work is an online assessment to help worksites determine ways to create a healthier worksite environment through improved physical activity, nutrition, and tobacco cessation.

Michigan Healthy Workplaces Are Good for Businessexternal icon

Minnesota Department of Health

Minnesota Worksite Wellness Kit pdf icon[PDF – 633 KB]external icon

The Initiative’s purpose is to build employer support and capacity to implement successful worksite health promotion programs. The Initiative has developed a Workplace Toolkit to assist employers on designing, implementing, and evaluating their worksite wellness programs.

Mississippi State Department of Health

Workplace Wellnessexternal icon

Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services

Employer toolkit for smokefree workplaces and tobacco cessation pdf icon[PDF – 2.4MB]external icon

Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services

Montana Worksite Health Promotion Coalitionexternal icon

This website is a resource for Montana employers looking to promote health and wellness at the worksite.

Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services

Nebraska Worksite Wellness Toolkitexternal icon

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New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services

Healthy Worksitesexternal icon

The website includes a Worksite Wellness Toolkit with fact sheets, guidelines for change, and information discussing healthy work environment and promoting healthier lifestyles.

North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services Division of Public Health

WorkWell NC Toolkitexternal icon

The WorkWell NC Toolkit provides guidelines and ready-to-use materials to organize and implement worksite wellness programs. The Toolkit addresses the following health topics: healthy eating, physical activity, tobacco cessation and stress management.

Ohio Department of Health

Healthy Ohio Business Councilexternal icon

The Healthy Ohio Business Council consists of Ohio companies organized into seven statewide regional councils that share best practices for a healthy workforce and a healthy economy. Members are committed to incorporating comprehensive worksite health promotion and wellness programs into their worksites.

Oregon Department of Human Services

Healthy Worksitesexternal icon

This Healthy Worksites website provides employers with the tools to improve the health of employees and create healthy work environments. Replacing “toolkits” with “website” because there’s no toolkit at this location.

Pennsylvania Department of Health

Tobacco Cessation and Controlexternal icon

Rhode Island Department of Health

Worksite Wellnessexternal icon

The website describes strategies and resources for starting worksite wellness programs.

South Dakota Department of Health

Good & Healthy South Dakota Workplacesexternal icon

The website contains health tips and workplace strategies, and links to statewide health promotion events.

Texas Department of State Health Services

Work Well Texasexternal icon

This toolkit, developed in partnership with Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas, guides Texas employers through the essential steps to develop and improve employee wellness programs.

Vermont Department of Health

Worksite Wellnessexternal icon

The website contains the Vermont Worksite Wellness Resource (step-by-step guide), fact sheets, links to additional information and services, and other resources.

Washington State Department of Health

Worksite Wellnessexternal icon

The Department of Health works with employers to change organizational and corporate cultures to promote physical activity and healthier food choices in worksites.

West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources

The West Virginia Bureau of Public Health Division of Tobacco Prevention funds the non profit Wellness Council of West Virginia’s (WCWV) Worksite Wellness Tobacco Policy Projectexternal icon. The project is designed to provide support for state businesses in the areas of tobacco policy and cessation resources.

Wisconsin Department of Health Services

Worksite Wellness Resources Kitexternal icon

The website contains a Worksite Wellness Resource Kit to assist worksites with implementing effective strategies for worksite health promotion and walks employers through the process of developing a worksite wellness program. The website also contains additional resources such as training opportunities and case studies.



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National Organizations

American Association of Occupational Health Nursesexternal icon

American Cancer Societyexternal icon

American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicineexternal icon

American Diabetes Associationexternal icon

American Heart Associationexternal icon

International Association for Worksite Health Promotion (IAWHP)external icon

National Alliance of Healthcare Purchaser Coalitionsexternal icon

National Association of Chronic Disease Directorsexternal icon

National Business Group on Healthexternal icon

National Committee for Quality Assuranceexternal icon

National Safety Councilexternal icon

U.S. Chamber of Commerceexternal icon

Wellness Councils of Americaexternal icon

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