Work@Health® Employer Training

Employers participating in the Work@Health® Program receive a variety of benefits, including:

  • A complete health and safety assessment of their organization to define existing needs, interests and the capacity of their worksite for specific health and safety interventions to address those needs
  • Professional training via a blended delivery model to learn how to develop a worksite health intervention plan to meet individual employer needs
  • Technical assistance and community support resources aimed at giving employers what they need to sustain the worksite health promotion interventions
  • The careful monitoring of participants’ progress in implementing their worksite health interventions by professional worksite health trainers and on-going availability of technical assistance
  • An on-going opportunity to expand their network by linking to and partnering with other employers and organizations with a focus on health in their community
  • A safer and healthier work environment at the end of the program
  • Certification and recognition of employer participants as healthy worksites