About DELTA Impact

The Domestic Violence Prevention Enhancement and Leadership Through Alliances (DELTA) Impact program funds State Domestic Violence Coalitions to implement strategies and approaches designed to prevent intimate partner violence while also funding local communities to do the same.

The purpose of DELTA Impact is to decrease risk factors in communities that may lead to intimate partner violence and to increase protective factors that prevent it. Funded State Domestic Violence Coalitions and their local Coordinated Community Response Teams affect these factors by implementing programs and policies.

A Coordinated Community Response Team is an organized effort of diverse sectors (e.g., public health, law enforcement, and faith-based organizations) to prevent and respond to intimate partner violence. Historically, these Teams have focused on providing services to victims, holding batterers accountable, and reducing the number of recurring assaults. Few have concentrated on primary prevention. DELTA Impact supports the Coordinated Community Response Team to use intimate partner violence primary prevention strategies that affect the structural determinants of health at the societal or community levels, or the factors that influence where people live, work, and age.

DELTA Impact Theory of Change

This diagram illustrates the Theory of Change for DELTA Impact. CDC partners with State Domestic Violence Coalitions to provide the inputs and resources needed to support community and societal level primary prevention activities. These activities contribute to outcomes that lead to state coalitions’ ability to decrease intimate partner violence.

DELTA Impact Theory of Change
Intimate partner violence can be prevented

The negative consequences associated with intimate partner violence underscore the importance of stopping it before it occurs. A wide range of prevention strategies are available to help reduce the risk factors that lead to intimate partner violence, and increase the protective factors that decrease it. DELTA Impact is focused on implementing strategies that address community and societal level risk and protective factors. DELTA

Impact focuses on three strategies

Impact focuses on three strategies:

  • Engage Influential Adults and Peers
  • Create Protective Environments
  • Strengthen Economic Supports for Families

Evidence shows that these strategies, along with several others, have an impact on intimate partner violence. For more information, see the Division of Violence Prevention’s, Preventing Intimate Partner Violence Across the Lifespan: A Technical Package of Programs, Policies, and Practicespdf icon[4.52MB, 64Pages, 508], which summarizes strategies based on the best available evidence on preventing intimate partner violence.

See Intimate Partner Violence Resources for articles, publications, data sources, and prevention resources for intimate partner violence.

Page last reviewed: September 16, 2019