Strategic Priority: Action

Build the foundation for CDC’s national suicide prevention program

Suicide Prevention Strategic Plan

Limited resources for suicide prevention have often necessitated piecemeal approaches to prevention in states and communities. A more strategic, coordinated, and comprehensive public health approach to prevention offers greater likelihood for success. Specifically, working with multi-sectoral partners, states and communities can use data to identify vulnerable populations at increased risk of suicide; leverage and evaluate current prevention policies, programs, and practices in the community; and fill prevention gaps by selecting, implementing, and evaluating multiple and complementary policies, programs, and practices with the best available evidence from the CDC Technical Package pdf icon[PDF – 62 pages]. Such an approach has not been rigorously evaluated and many states and communities may require capacity building or additional resources to carry out such an approach. CDC will support the implementation and evaluation of this comprehensive public health approach in states and communities and will help further build state and community capacity through technical assistance and translation of its technical package for improved practical application and sustainability.

GOAL 5: Implement and evaluate comprehensive suicide prevention in vulnerable populations

OBJECTIVE 5.1: Fund jurisdictions (e.g., states, communities, tribes) to implement and evaluate a coordinated and comprehensive public health approach to suicide prevention based on data and using multiple strategies and approaches with the best available evidence

OBJECTIVE 5.2: Build capacity within funded jurisdictions (e.g., states, communities, tribes) by providing technical assistance, in collaboration with other partners, on the public health approach, including the use of data and implementation and evaluation of the strategies and approaches in the Technical Package pdf icon[PDF – 62 pages]

OBJECTIVE 5.3: Build a community of practice for comprehensive suicide prevention

GOAL 6: Translate the technical package

OBJECTIVE 6.1: Translate the Technical Package pdf icon[PDF – 62 pages] for improved practical application based on lessons learned through updated guidance, decision-making, implementation, and evaluation materials for states and communities

Page last reviewed: August 28, 2020