
The Center for Sex Offender Management (CSOM) is a national clearinghouse and technical assistance center that supports state and local jurisdictions in the effective management of sex offenders. CSOM aims to provide those responsible for managing sex offenders with ready access to the most current knowledge by synthesizing and disseminating research and effective practices to the field; and by offering specialized training and technical assistance on a wide variety of issues related to sex offender management.


  • Provides useful, current, and accessible information widely to the field by developing and distributing policy and practice briefs on pressing issues; operating the CSOM web site; and responding to information inquiries from the field and public;
  • Creates and delivers training programs across the country for agencies that share responsibility for sex offender management; and
  • Designs and delivers technical assistance to support jurisdictions interested in improving their sex offender management strategies.

For more information about the resources offered by CSOM, please contact us.

Featured Documents

Twenty Strategies for Advancing Sex Offender Management in Your Jurisdiction
Twenty Strategies for Advancing Sex Offender Management in Your Jurisdiction
The Comprehensive Assessment Protocol: A Systemwide Review of Adult and Juvenile Sex Offender Management Strategies (CAP)
The Comprehensive Assessment Protocol: A Systemwide Review of Adult and Juvenile Sex Offender Management Strategies (CAP)
Enhancing the Management of Adult and Juvenile Sex Offenders: A Handbook for Policymakers and Practitioners
Enhancing the Management of Adult and Juvenile Sex Offenders: A Handbook for Policymakers and Practitioners
Promoting Collaboration Between Victim Advocates and Sex Offender Management Professionals: A Resource Package
“Promoting Collaboration Between Victim Advocates and Sex Offender Management Professionals”
Download English Version | Download Spanish Version

This website is supported by Grant Numbers 2013-TA-AX-K029 and 2013-TA-AX-K034, awarded by the Office on Violence Against Women, U.S. Department of Justice. The opinions, findings, conclusions, and recommendations expressed on this website are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Department of Justice, Office on Violence Against Women.


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Text Bullet Need Basic Information?

Fact Sheet About Sex Offender Management

Frequently Asked Questions


If you are a victim who is seeking services, click here.


If you are seeking a referral for sex offender treatment, click here.

Sex Offender Registry

To learn about registration requirements in your state, click here.